Saying hi :D

Discussion in 'Introduce Yourself' started by FLORADORA, Dec 14, 2012.

  1. Suitably prepared to 'run the gauntlet' if and when' ;)

    Hats off to Chloe for sticking with it :hello:

    Uk grower - I love growing and use cannabis medicinally and recreationally. At present I am growing Chocolope, Wild Rose, plus one each Wappa-Nebula & Acid freebies (all have 11-14 week flowering periods) the longest flowering strains I have had before were 11 weekers. The chocolope and wild rose are 8 - 9 weeks and both are beautiful smokes.
  2. high mate.....check out the UK growers unite thread
  3. Hey! I'm new as well. What's it like living and growing in the UK?

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