Hello my name is Crystal, I'm a mother of 3 living in Ca. New to buying for myself so I feel like a noob. I grew up with weed all around me My parents smoked freely in front of us kids. I smoked in high school , smoked with friends off and on thru the years. Had boyfriends that did the buying and what not. I was away from pot for a few years. My father went into rehab 12 years ago and out of respect my family and I had stopped smoking and drinking. I ended up having to start taking meds for depression. So my husband and I had no health insurance. I was going nuts from lack of meds and decided to start smoking again. My husbands best friend keeps me supplied with "mommy prozac" Now, as I live in my own home, I should be free to smoke.. yet I'm not..my 14 year old son is the pot nazi.. He has smelled it in the garage before and had a total fit. I was laughing my ass off that he was lecturing me on it. It's just really funny; I grew with it so freely around me. I had no clue the difference between a Joint and a regular cigarette until the 5th grade. So I feel like a kid all of a sudden having to hide my usage. I never had to hide it before. Anyway thats me just saying "hi"