Saw this kid get shot at today

Discussion in 'Real Life Stories' started by 93TheHitStick, Feb 10, 2011.

  1. So i am at school and its second period horticulture. Teacher kicks me out of the classroom because i didn't bring my laptop. So i was like fuck it lets just go smoke. Me and this other dude go to the back alley he deals so he says if i put up five we can just blow until we don't feel like smoking no more. We are like a gram or so in when this african dude starts coming down the alley. He is from this african crip gang and he looks shook. Who comes around the corner behind him but a car packed with samoan bloods. I honestly don't know how many there were. They see us there cool but they start banging on the little african. They pile out the car. Little african dude had heart though because he said he would fight them all one on one. He starts out fighting this big dude and he is getting in kinda wearing the big dude out. Then the next thing i know this other dude comes up punches the african in the head. I'm telling everyone to chill then all i heard was "pow pow pow" samoans started shooting. African took off like a freakin rocket down the alley and samoans left right afterwards. Ended up catching up with the african at lunch. Smoked him out. Friggin crazy though.
  2. This sounds completely fake, Ima have to call troll on this one.
  3. godamn what fucking city do you live in.

  4. Swear to god on my mothers life this happened today.

  5. I live in seattle. This happened at ranier beach. In the circle. Like the little alley by sarrs and shit for anyone who lives in seattle too. The african dude was from the hollies and the samoans were from the west. Idk if they were from samoan blood gang or if they were t.r.g though because some of them looked kinda asian. Seattle doesn't seem that bad but this is what happens in the background lol.
  6. Im guessing your still in highschool since theres a highschool like right down the road :p

  7. Lol did you read the first post? I go to beach and i was skipping second period blowing that. The high school isn't even down the road its across the street lol. But i assume you know what area i'm talking about right? And if you do please tell these people that getting shot thereis the norm.
  8. Oh you go to beach my bad, Im from Seattle so yea I know the area, it can be ghetto I dont go through it.
  9. :eek: shiiiit mang.
    did u ask why the african dude was getting roughed up?!?!
    just gangs rivalry??
  10. hahaha holy shit I can't believe you guys are from that close of an area, that sounds fuckin gnarly I gotta plus rep this
  11. Haha, no one thinks it but there are some ghetto ass parts of Seattle.
  12. There are ghetto parts of every big city. Chicago is fuckin comical, I don't know the city too well so if I get lost I have to make sure I don't go somewhere where I'll get shot for not being recognized!
  13. lol + rep watching some poor black guy get beat up.
  14. Intense story, I believe it. Pretty fucking crazy.
  15. What surprised me is that you got kicked out of HIGH SCHOOL for not having a laptop. First of all, my school only gave out scientific calculators and the comps were old as shit. So you get kicked out because you don't have a laptop. That's straight crazy, at least being there you can learn something. Fuck our education system is messed up.

    The whole incident though is pretty crazy, and I am glad I was born to middle class and don't live in a ghetto area.
  16. hahaha ha ha ahahaha


    thats funny
  17. oh no wonder, you live in the southend lol I've been through there only a few times down Rainier Ave S. etc before and yeah it is kinda ghetto thats were alot of the gang related shootings in seattle happen that or the Central District but it used to be alot worse back in the 80's-90's. Yakima seems to be the worst in WA state now though our own mini version of south central LA

  18. Yea he is from hp which is a crip gang. I live in south seattle too and south seattle is mostly crips and so they beef with west seattle which stays blooded. So the dudes were blood affiliated plus the south is beefing with the west. I'm guessing those west dudes were just rolling through looking for someone to cap at. They knew that at second period all the bangers that hangout there would be asleep or in class. So i guess they were looking to catch someone on there own. I'm just glad they recognized me as neutral so i didn't catch a cap in my ass.

  19. Nah i didn't need the laptop i needed the work that was on it. But i only have her class twice a week and i missed it so i didn't know i had to bring the work on it.
  20. only organized gangs bangin out of the west are west side street mob, some hoover clicks from high point, and lots of surenos fractions everywhere. what you seen was probably CD vs South end shit, they been at it for fucking decades.

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