Saw the biggest douche in the universe today

Discussion in 'Real Life Stories' started by 13iGGy, Oct 13, 2010.

  1. #1 13iGGy, Oct 13, 2010
    Last edited by a moderator: Oct 13, 2010
    Sup GC

    I was walking from my car to my school when it happened. Some guy in a beat up white 96 camry was rollin around in the parking lot but the problem was that he was blastin some lil wayne, 1st order of douchiness(sorry but i hate lil wayne, he's a complete turd to me) and second he wasn't blastin it through his car speaker but instead through some speaker he had installed under his hood. so imagine this, your walking in the parking lot and you start hearing lil wayne out of nowhere. you look around and all you see is cars with closed window and suddenly a car pulls up next to you and the song comes from the front of the car. i don't know but to me, looks like he should be crowned by a ice cream shittin talkin taco for being the biggest douche in the universe...

    Everyone post your story of you encountering a big douche

    Just to save you some time:
  2. ice cream shit talkin taco eh?
  3. I was disappointed when i entered the thread, because it wasn't 50 pages long. Post some storys people! Definitely relevant to my interests.

  4. South Park anyone??
  5. Sup GC

    I was driving around in the parking lot in my white 96 camry when some douchebag was just starin at me. I mean I was pimpin it in some of dat lil wayne shit and dis punk ass stoner just keeps starin at me! i don't know but to me, looks like he should be crowned by a ice cream shittin talkin taco for being the biggest douche in the universe...

  6. :wave: your a funny one :)
  7. The thread title is considered false if there is no mention of Bill O'reilly in said thread.
  8. One time I saw this guy driving a white 96 camry blasting some lil'wayne, and this other guy I saw was just staring at him all douchily.

    I'm joking by the way lol.

    Now for a douchebag story : There was this kid who I used to go to school with, and he had the douchiest fucking mullet ever. I mean it was baaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaad. I don't mean mullets are bad, not all of them are, but this guys was just baaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaad. Ya know what I mean, when some guy has a "douchemullet"? Ya dig? :D
  9. #9 JakeTheDuck, Oct 13, 2010
    Last edited by a moderator: Oct 13, 2010

    Don't talk about your gym teacher like that.
  10. This thread is pointless, your rant is pointless.

    Okay, you dont like little wayne.

    But saying he has a speaker installed under the hood is the dumbest shit I ever heard of.

    Did you know that car windows are not sound proof? DURR.

    And you can hear a whole song if he's "bumping" which means the music is loud. And you never know if a window was cracked.

    Please refrain yourself from making a thread like this again, or just post it in the OFFICIAL "FUCK OFF" thread. - There is one.

    Waste of thread space.
  11. (Yoda) Strong the irony this one.:rolleyes:

  12. (Yoda) Strong the poor comprehension ability is... in this one. :rolleyes:


    LIKE I SAID, I didnt make a thread did I.

    Post is not a thread, thread is not a post. Study. ;)
  13. I saw dane cook on tv once...

    I win.

  14. Yes, yes you do.
  15. All I have to say is:"THE ROCK"

  16. So I was on GC one day and I read a story about some calling another guy a douche because the other guy liked to listen to Lil Wayne and has a beat up car.

    Honestly OP you are such a judgmental fuck, I can't stand people like you that judge others so simply. Yes, I'm a Weezy fan, personally I think he is one of the best current rappers and I'm willing to defend my viewpoint (Ooh, irony!).

    "You do you, umma do me".
  17. What's ironic is that you op seem like the actual douchebag. this guys just chilling in his car with lil Wayne and you instantly think he's a douchebag? Uhhh
  18. #18 13iGGy, Oct 13, 2010
    Last edited by a moderator: Oct 13, 2010
    I laughed. Really really hard.

    most of you are just hatin on me cuz i talked shit about lil wayne. grow some balls, forget what i said and go listen to his songs all day long. seriously.
    i didn't really make myself clear cuz what i thought made him a douche wasn't really the fact that he listened to lil wayne(i didn't really care about that; most of my friends listen to him but i just ignore it, just like you should ignore my point of view on him, itll make you smarter) but it was the fact that the music was playing on an external speaker that sounded just like a fucking megaphone.

    I don't know if you ever noticed SmokeChoke but when music is bumping and the windows are not opened or just cracked and you're standing outside, the music sounds muffled(like you mostly hear the bass), try it, you'll hear the difference.

    Furthermore, when the car went rolling next to me I could clearly tell that the sound was coming from the hood; its like when you hear a fly buzzing around you you can tell exactly where it is because the fact that you have 2 ears gives you the ability to pin point any sound.

    So, if I offended you because I said that listening to Lil' Wayne makes you a douche then I'm sorry, it was a douche move on my part.
  19. This one time when I was little, I was playing video games and somebody knocked on the door. I answered it and there was a tall man. He asked, "Where's your mommy?"

    Next thing I knew my mom came over and told him to come in. I go back to my video games and eating my doritos. Mom walks away and this guy is staring at my moms butt, and I caught him. So I dropped the controller, and he steals one of my doritos.

    I run up to him, he says some bullshit to me and I'm not payin attention to him. My next move was a smack right across the face. Very loud and sounded painful.

    I got right up to his face and said, "Keep yo hands off mah momma.... and keep yo hand off mah doritos...."


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