thank you grandpa bond for investing money for my future. im so fucking excited right now, having trouble paying for school books whn my mother just reminded me that her father bought all of us kids savings bonds for christmas. i have about 10 of them that are one hundred dollars each, i have no idea how much interest they have raked up though. but its so badass I love you old man, i haven't seen him in like 10 years. him and my mother dont have a good relationship. and he lives in kansas. i would really like to visit him and thank him in person!! but anyway fuck yea son! savings bonds biotch!!!!!!!
HELL YEAH!!!! my grandparents give me a fuckton of those, and one day im gonna cash em in and its gonna be sooooo straight to have a bunch of money to use on whatever the hell i want thanks for the phatty bag of nuggets grandma!!!
hell yea, starting this christmas im gonna start buying them for my little nephew too bad the little guy will probably never know who i am. but atleast he can never say i never did anything for him
For some reason, I came in here assuming this was gonna be a thread about some kid who blew their savings on another student struggling to make ends meet, im happy for you! Nothing like certain things to cheer you up.
i am the kid who will have spent his savings on weed well not all of it... but ya gotta at least get yourself a little something nice, right?