Saturday night poetry sesh

Discussion in 'The Artist's Corner' started by Daxyo, Sep 26, 2010.

  1. Hey everyone this is my first real post on grasscity.. whats good?
    i decided to blaze up and stay in from the rain tonight and write some shitty poetry which im going to share with complete strangers cause that's how i like to roll. Thanks and enjoy! Also any criticism good or bad is welcome.

    in the future robots will suck
    they wont have souls
    but they'll pretend to
    they will inevitably
    trick the whole human population
    into believing
    that robots are all for freedom
    but quite the contrary
    they lack any real depth
    in the way they perceive reality

    this is just a distraction
    what is a paradox?
    a present time traveling fox?
    a past ghost that comes forward to haunt?
    a future in black and white?
    a technicolor dream
    crashing with other technicolor dreams?
    ripping them at the seems
    whose sowing
    these seeds
    in my mind

    camping in a well lit room
    hit the reset
    on the remote
    turn back the clock
    for a brand new start
    power stations
    look so much better at night
    when the lack of light
    makes them shine
    power poles connected to power lines
    that power the little rooms
    in my apartment complex
  2. Something Weird

    All the walls fade to black,
    and all the blocks fall down
    to build a wall of uncertainty.

    I look outside through my front door
    to see a stallion horse in my front yard.
    I think I`ve gone crazy, watching them grazing

    I step out back, in my backyard.
    I listen to the notes that those birdies will sing,
    and I chirp away so that no one`s shy.

    I walk in the field and I take my seat,
    down in the grass forming ocean waves,
    and I feel it grow as I watch the clouds.

    Waves of colour will form,
    and I`ll just smile,
    as I watch the sun drop below the horizon

    And the clouds will float away from here,
    with a gust of wind by puffy cheeks
    and I will lay in the grass and gaze at stars.

    This airplane ride, has reached peak altitude,
    and we`re coming in, on a landing strip.
    I will get off the plane and people will crowd around.

    I`ll try to explain, but only get half way,
    they`ll think I`m crazy, but that`s okay.
    `Cause I know they`re wrong.

    I`ll go into bed, unable to sleep
    Just lay in bed and stare at the ceiling,
    remembering the day, and my past.

    Then I`ll wake up again, and stare outside.
    See the stallion horse in my front yard.
    I know I`m not crazy, I`ll just go for a ride.

    So I saddle him up, and say "Let`s go!"
    He`ll gallop away without direction,
    and it`ll be okay, yes I know I`ll be fine.


    Place each; brick by brick
    and you better hope they stick
    'Cause oh, Piggy, Piggy,
    The Wolf has come to blow it down.

    I'm sure, it's like heaven
    so nice, a group of seven
    'Cause oh, Miss White,
    You never know when they'll be gone.

    Such peace, zed by zed
    these floating from your head
    'Cause oh, Sleeping Beauty
    He's about to disturb it all.

    So odd, step by step
    A beast you've went and kept
    'Cause oh, beauty Belle,
    He's used you all along.

    Fairytales, word by word
    just to think how absurd
    'Cause oh, Me, oh Me
    You won't go far in fantasy.
  3. I like both of your poems deadbeat very well done but I really like fairytales, it has such a great darkness to it. Here's another one of mine i did this weekend.

    everything i write is a marketing scheme
    i met her drowning in a wishing well
    so i threw in a quarter and wished her good luck
    she completely in-completes me
    i asked the bartender to top off the bottom of my heart
    cause its always so god damn empty.
    i've been stumbled from city to city
    looking for something
    and at times someone
    thats just a little bit more pretty.
    hanging my heart like a wreath on every door
    of every second hand pawn i come upon
    no more flattery miss
    ive had enough of your limp wrist antics
    or maybe i just need to have one to many more
    ive spent hours in front of the mirror
    just looking for my reflection
    but nothing is there
    oh well better luck next time
    next reflection seeing season
    she spreads broken glass on the bed sheets
    while I pour kerosene down the halls
    lets set the smoke detectors off
    my sympathy was thrown up with last nights rotgut
    i've fallen and i cant get it up

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