Sativas in final push....NEED ADVICE

Discussion in 'Growing Marijuana Outdoors' started by ms5865, Oct 2, 2010.

  1. Well, I am in the final push of long, hard, strange, trip. This is my first ever grow. I am located along the 32.5ish latitude. 99% we make it through October without frost, typically it isn’t a serious risk until mid to late November. I have two girls still standing with smallish buds on them. They are sativa so long flowering period was expected and since we just past the equinox I had figured late October or early November harvest (should be fine as far as frost).

    I had 3 sites picked out, two with great light but compromised stealth and water (plus both were difficult for me to hike to. The main concern was my states wonderfully tax funded “evil” marijuana eradication program (so more light=more sky=more visibility). The third spot was marginal light, good water access and 1000% easier for me to get to. When I screwed up germination and ended up with only 4 viable plants (2 feminized, and 2 none-feminized, all Amsterdam’s finest—if I was putting in the effort I wanted good genetics). I decided to go all in with the site #3 (marginal light, good water access, easy (for me) to get to, and awesome stealth. Since I started late (late May) my plants were only about 2 feet tall when I moved them to the site end of July. However, they were fantastic looking young plants.

    The marginal light of site #3 had closed in somewhat but I still figured I had 4-5 hours direct with dappled throughout the rest of the day. Not great, and it showed in my plants. However, now I think it is closer to 3-4 hours than five. The two best looking plants (I mean thriving in these conditions) turned out to be males and I had to pull them. The two remaining girls looked a bit weak but they were growing. Through September the buds on both continued to progress but they were small (in my uneducated opinion). I’ve been using Molasses both foliar feeding and watering. They seem relatively healthy. I gave them what I think is my last nitrogen newt about a week ago. It rained a lot after wondering how much got washed out. One good thing was that August and September were VERY dry so some of the sun blocking leafs have fallen early for my area. The days are warm 80’s getting into the low 90’s but the nights have been unusually cool for us (gone down to upper 50’s). Frost isn’t a marginal risk until mid November, after that risk rises rapidly. I am in the final push.

    I sort of feel like one of those marathon runners who know he’s lost, but want to finish the race. Is there anything I can do for these Sativa girls in this last 4-8 weeks of flowering? I am using molasses…
  2. What advice do u need it sounds like u know what to do. the only thing is that next time u should probably pick a site with more lite then this one gets, even tho sometimes that is risky or hard to find. I would say move it now to a spot with more light, but increasing the # of hours of lite might mess with the plants timing.
    If u have that long, i would continue with nutrients. especially if the buds are small and u can flush when ur only 2 weeks or less from harvest

  3. Thanks, but not really.

    I have made every mistake I think you can make. I am proud that I actually saved one of the females (I thought she was a goner). Even though I feed all the plants equally I think she got fert burn. Not sure, but after flushing her our and nursing her back (I used a hydrogen peroxide dilution on all the plants) she has buds.

    I am way open to advice. Moving the plants now is not an option.

    How often should I use the Molasses (foliar feeding and mixed with water?) Should I consider more nitrogen, or is that done? Any tips, tricks, or magic spells would be much appreciated.

  4. You can not move the plants, which would maybe help. but i think u still should probably use nutrients, a blooming mix. with a good amount of N and a little P-K. Then when u qwuit that i would start with molasses again. or use molasses as well but i think the nutrients will help alot.
    How long have they been flowering? do u think that the buds are getting mature but they are just small? or do u think they are small because they have alot more time to grow and get mature? if all the pistils are stil white then it has alot of growing to do and it will be good in a few weeks
  5. Hey thanks, and yes the pistils are still white. So, I will go with some N and P-K, I guess I will keep using the molasses mix (1 tablespoon per gallon, and foliar feed mist with same ratio). I was using 18-18-21....thoughts? Should I continue this once a week?

    Thanks for the advice!
  6. 18-21-18 is good for flowering.. if u notice any nute burn then u might want to switch to another one with less N and K, but that might not be an issue. i dont kno how much u kno about nutrients but start half then use normal after using half once or twice. goodluck bra

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