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sativa or indica?

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by KushSmokaa, Feb 1, 2011.

  1. #1 KushSmokaa, Feb 1, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 1, 2011
    hey guys just wondering what you prefer, sativa or indica?

    im still in highschool which means i buy from high school kids who dont know what sativa and indica are they just kind of sell the bud and know the strain name but thats about it.

    so from my knowledge Sativa = head high, goofy, energetic. while. Indica = couchlock.

  2. well ill start i guess, although i dont really know wether or not im smoking a sativa or indica most of the time, id rather have the energetic, goofy, head high.

    so i have to say sativa.

    but when you smoke an indica do you only feel it in your body and you dont get like goofy or anything, i mean i know indicas cause "couchlock" but does that mean its only felt in the body and you feel completely normal in your head? sorry but im a newb when you get down to the strain and sativa or indica.
  3. i enjoy sativa highs better but i would still settle for indica
  4. me and my friend had indica and we called it cloroform because we passed out 30 mins after smoking it
  5. You still feel it, it's not quite as strong or a feeling of "wow im pretty baked"
  6. for me it goes like this
    sativas during the day, indicas at night...really it all depends on what your doing. But hybrids are such a genius idea
  7. This.

    But if I have to choose Sativa will win 9 times out of 10.

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