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sativa and indica

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by Tinklepee, Jan 16, 2010.

  1. I can't enjoy anything social when I smoke indicas I get insane couch lock.. is anyone else like this?

    I just smoked a sativa for the 2nd time in my life. I feel so upbeat and it makes me so much more easy going..

    Anyone else like me?
  2. im the complete opposite. The whole couch lock feeling i get makes me so happy because i can feel my entire body kinda like buzzin and it makes me feel uplifted and happy and chill and just at peace with everything so then i wanna joke around and be happy. Where as sativa's i dont get that body buzz so i always feel kinda disappointed and i dont really like the head high it gives me and then i end up being kinda quiet and annoyed. But thats just because i smoke to get a body buzz vs head high
  3. lately all bud in general has made made kinda anxious and unsocial. because of
    this ive been stickin with other drugs i know will give positive feelings. i hate not bein able to enjoy it like i used to
  4. Yeah, I find that indicas are really nice for quiet meditation or if you're hanging out alone or with a small group of people just sitting around watching movies or listening to music.

    But sativas are great for parties or clubs...anywhere with energetic people. Personally, I think sativas are also good with a little bit of alcohol in a party environment. If I'm head-high and you give me a couple of beers I'll be chatting it up with everyone at the party. I always have super interesting and intellectual conversations with people while high on sativa and a little tipsy, and I love meeting new people. Sativas are also good for any form of creativity!

    I was actually at this party recently and these girls didn't know the difference between sativa and indica. They didn't even know that such classifications exist. One girl literally asked, shocked, "There are different TYPES of weed?" And these girls have been smoking on and off for years. When I explained the difference to them, they thought it was so fascinating (perhaps because we were high at the time). But it was a nice moment.
  5. yea me 2. like the second time i had some brownies, i was walking around with my friends and it felt so awkward i just didn't want to be high anymore.
  6. TheHighRoad, I feel the same way when I smoke a sativa... and I love that feeling.
    I get a little social anxiety sometimes and sativas really clear my head of all those bad paranoid feelings.

  7. Agreed. It makes me confident that people really would like to hear what I have to say!

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