Hey just wondering if their is any satanic bladies/bladies out there. What type of satanist are you, why, and just all around discussion, des
I've read the Satanic Bible by Anton LaVey, and it had a significant impact in my life. I don't identify as a satanist, however.
bad news bears... Idk but based on my logic, if there was a god and devil or light and dark sides....I would prefer to stay with the goodguys, just in case. I just got done reading Odd Thomas by Koontz and some satanists subverted the police force and got hired and started killing people and then started shooting the mall up. It was pretty crazy. haha
real satanism isnt about kiling people and being evil...actually they advocate not doing harm to oneself or another... and they worship themselves.they consider themselves gods. i'm not a satanist by the way, im nothing...i just know some stuff...correct me if im wrong
Kinda right but not fully here is one of the rules for Levay's Satanist "When walking in open territory, bother no one. If someone bothers you, ask them to stop. If they do not stop, destroy them." In his eyes its ok to be a prick and fuck someones day up as long as you ask them nicely first not to bother you and as long as they keep bothering you it is fine.
You're essentially right. It is the antithesis to Christianity. One of the main tenants is 'indulgence instead of abstinence'. It was intended to be, in terms of the individual, an adversary to Christianity; hence 'Satanism' as 'Satan' in Hebrew means 'adversary'. This pertains to LaVeyan Satanism, anyway, the only satan based religion I know anything about.
Read it and dismissed it, LeVay's Satanic bible that is. Got bored with all the drama and theatrics pretty quickly, and in all fairness if I wanted something that hated on Christianity and dicussed amorality i'd rather read nietzsche than this crap.
I dont believe in self service and self gratification. I think the opposite from my course through life that I get a lot more joy from helping others or living to serve. But then again I still have some hope in the overall capacity for good in man kind. So according to the satanist bible...or pure devil worship, whichever we are talking about... If you saw a homeless person on your way to get your 1 dollar scoop of icecream from rightaide, would you then be selfish to just keep the dollar for your icecream? Or give the bum a buck?
If you're getting joy from it it is self serving. There is no such thing as altruism. Whichever gave you more pleasure; to keep it or give him it, acccording to your desire.
LaVey is a moron who simply used the works of Aleister Crowley to make himself feel important. If you want to talk about Satanism talk about Aleister Crowley. . .
It's important people realize LaVeyan Satanism isn't real Satanism. It's more a spiritual atheism. Real Satanism is called Theistic Satanism. I could call myself a Satanist, though I don't really actively worship or practice other than a few basic meditations.
I don't get joy from it. I see a guy in a shitty situation, take my dollar out of my pocket and give it to him. simple as that.
Perhaps not in the same sense as you might from buying a cheesebuger with it, but pleasure ispleasure regardless.
You can enjoy altruism. Just because you feel good by helping others does not make it selfish. God desires mercy, not sacrifice.