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Samsung LH351B Red. Are these gonna be the next big thing?

Discussion in 'Growing Marijuana Indoors' started by capitolp, May 29, 2019.

  1. Any QB heads heard about these new-ish diodes Samsung put out last year? Saw an article that talks about them.

    Samsung launches LED that 'boosts plant growth' | ZDNet

    "Samsung Electronics has launched the LH351B Red, an LED that emits red at 660nm wavelength and boosts photosynthesis of plants.

    Samsung has launched an LED red package that boosts plant growth, the company announced.

    LH351B Red emits red waves at 660-nanometer (nm) wavelength that helps photosynthesis, the South Korean tech giant said.

    The high-power LG351B Red, which consumes over 1 watt, is energy efficient and dissipates heat effectively to help farms save on costs, Samsung said."

    What do you guys think? Anyone planning on building a board with these? How long do you think before HLG starts using them/will they start using them instead of the LM301B diodes? I'd love to see someone smarter than me look at the specifications for these diodes and try to explain why Samsung says they're better for plant growth.

    I'm planning on buying some more QBs soon but if the technology is gonna be updated soon I don't want to jump the gun.

  2. then I would wait a decade or two before buying something that will be obsolete at the unboxing,
    I can tell you, the 301 grows good pot, how stoned do you need to be?
  3. What are you talking about? I didn't say the 301 diodes can't grow good weed. I'm just curious about these red diodes and I'm interested in the technology and why Samsung says they're better for plants. What's wrong with that? The reason I'm on this forum is because this is my hobby that I'm interested in learning about and improving.

    Someone could say "HIDs grow good pot how stoned do you need to be, why spend money on Quantum Boards?". It's about constantly improving learning and sharing knowledge so we can further the craft. It's not about "getting stoned", I'm not some teenager who wants to just "get stoned" honestly it's insulting to hear that. It's about striving for excellence.

  4. just kidding, but the day my v2's arrived they started talking about elite 96, so if you are waiting until they develope the final light for all time it could be a while. I don't know anything about lights, I was just commenting on how obsoletion is a constant not worth avoiding.
    Carry on
    more info is always good
  5. Those red diodes are the next big thing. I’m looking into them.
  6. Let me know what you find out brody...


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