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same old "buzz"

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by canofthebis, Jan 31, 2011.

  1. sup dudes, i been smoking every night for about 3 years prolly.

    I only ever smoke at night, something to look forward too after work.

    However, now i go outside, smoke, dont really enjoy it that much although i do look forward to it as if its the best thing in the world.

    I then go inside and dont feel high as such, just kind of lazy and heavy, i suppose relaxed, its nice in bed but its nothing special, it doesnt feel worth it because i am Groggy and lazy in the morning and i waste a lot of time in this heavy, tired, "buzz"

    I have been smoking schwag but i usually like thai weed, and i have smoked other mids and still felt the same.

    Anyone have any experience / advice?
  2. well if you want a more excited high then try a sativa dominant... but if you just aren't feeling the same high with the same kind of stuff, try smoking more taking a t-break
    After a couple of weeks you'll be feeling good as new
  3. As has been mentioned by noahluv, try smoking some Sativa dominant strains.

    You also mentioned you smoke mids, try getting some really nice stanky dank. And smoke that till you get to the same level as now.

    When that happens, or even now i'd suggest going the route of the T-Break. Get your tolerance lower then smoke some and you'll be back to your prime :)
  4. guys, do you think i could get this feeling from having too much tobbacco in my spliff?
  5. i dont know where your from but i would never let tobacco touch my bud.

  6. england mate

    we would never let our bud go withhout tobbaco

  7. /facepalm, that's nasty.
  8. sometimes a little tobacco on top of weed is nice, the nicotine buzz makes you feel a little higher for a while but i wouldn't want to use too much because i feel like it would over power the weed. plus, as a person who doesn't regularly smoke cigs, too much tobacco makes me feel like shit. i generally just smoke a bogie after toking up and feel pretty great

  9. yeah, you may wanna put a little less tobacco and a little more weed, it just sounds like your building up a tolerance, smoking shwag or not smoking enough always makes me feel like that
  10. your best bet would be to just take a break dude . come back to it after a week or two and the same appeal u had for smoking will come back . if it doesn't maybe it's just not the thing for you anymore. preferences change all the time . good luck !
  11. Stop smoking mids.
  12. have you ever smoke a j without tobacco op?
  13. It just sounds like a tolerance problem, all of the other things have been suggested as to what you should. Also, have you been doing the same thing? Maybe you are just doing really boring stuff so try to do something new. Make cookies, watch a movie, some people like to clean, play a new video game, idk. Just a suggestion. I know that I get a happier high when I experience new things high. For instance, I havent riden a bike high before and it was fucking nuts riding it when I was stoned. When I just chill though, I get the more relaxed high. Your weed will be a factor too, the amount, the quality, and how many seeds are in it. Try not to get too many seeds because bud with seeds has less THC and more of the other chemicals that get you high.
  14. When I use to smoke cigs on very special occasions, I would feel like shit after.

    Kick that tobbaco out of there. Be a trend starter my dude!
  15. Im from the USA, I dont know how people can mix tobacco with weed, thats just my personal opinion though.
  16. Yeah, when my friend rolls a spliff and i hit it, i literally gag.

    Fuck that shit :smoke:

  17. It's generally custom for our English mates to use tobacco with cannabis, and with good reason too. You achieve a nice head buzz with the combination, and it requires a far substantial less amount of herb.

    No need to knock it, I'm sure there's more then a few American traditions that would disgust the average Brit.
  18. Why waste your time and money on Mids? I dont even bother with that dirt anymore. Straight up gives me a headache and I guess I get high for all of about 20 minutes (and I Would not even call it a "high) get a new connect kid and stop putting tobacco in your mids? thats just a disgusting combo if you ask me
  19. Over in Euro/Pound fairytale land, they roll spliffs.

    I'm not quite sure why any sane person would want to RUIN weed by mixing in something as disgusting as tobacco with it, but whatever floats their boat. (And considering they are on a island, they need one!)

    But really, when I was in Amsterdam and I could see people smoking spliffs, it baffled me.
  20. Yeah of course there probably is (although im not American) :D

    It's just not something I enjoy, i don't know why but i gag while taking a hit of spliffs. I hit a popper (piece of a cig in bowl with weed on top) and literally puked haha.

    But think of how bad that unfiltered tobacco is for your body, ill just stay green :smoke:

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