same dream for 3 nights am i possessed by satan?

Discussion in 'General' started by VagDiddler, Jan 9, 2013.

  1. I think your dreams are telling you that if you dont stop working out your arms and upper body, your legs will be too skinny to support your weight, and you will have to walk like a gorilla on your jk. Dreams are just your conscious exploring itself. Do not be worried.

  2. Damn that sucks. I hope u didnt just get it now for talking about it lol

  3. that gave me chills :smoking:

    OP you should try to take control of the dream maybe. Dont be scared. Try it.
  4. Satans pitbull "lil bevil" now lives in you . Don't push it away, embrace it , you'll be a guitar god
  5. look up the things in your dream and you'll get an idea on where your mind is at.
  6. Well there is a 87% chance you are, but don't take my word for it....
    A scientist told me as we were talking on the subject of having the same dream for 3 nights straight.

  7. We will see tonight, but ever since I started smoking daily at 20 I haven't had one of those nightmares ever since so I think I'm good haha :smoking:

  8. those scientists need to check their hypotenuses

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