I wasn't really that big of a fan of Saints Row 3 but I wouldn't mind playin' tha new Saints Row, I wanna try out some of tha new features http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uKhZjF4RqQM
I hear ya, I had fun playin' it but I wish I didn't buy it when it first came out, hopefully number 4 is gonna be way better
i'll probably get it after a year or so like i did with 3. right now im too hyped for GTA V and Watch Dogs to really care about Saints Row
I'm just glad Saints Row 4 is comin' out before both of them, hopefully GTA V won't get pushed back again
Best part about Saints Row to me is how insane they went with character customization. I would almost buy the game just for that. Unfortunately I didn't really like Saints Row 2 and didn't play 3.
saints row 3 was hilarious and really fun to play. once you beat the main story though, there isnt much to do. best buy had a sale on it a couple weeks after it came out for $40 so i picked it up. i beat it, traded it in and got 20 something bucks for it. a year later and the game is $40 msrp. hopefully this one is longer and they keep the crazy side characters.