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Safer or not

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by RonK420, Apr 1, 2024.

  1. I only vape thc. I'm new to it. With all the scary stuff around about how bad vaping is I was wondering how bad a vape product I got. I got a Cresco live resin. If it's live resin what isn't a live resin in a thc cart? Is live resin safer? Is live resin like the stuff that goes in a dab rig?
  2. If you have a Cresco live resin cart from a reputable source it should be safe to vape. This stuff would be nice to smoke in a dab rig.
  3. I'd be curious as to what opinion a medical marijuana doc would have as given the recent safety alerts and admonishments on dangers of vaping

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