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Safe impromptu smoking devices: novice level

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by 420inthe407, Jan 23, 2010.

  1. Iv been smoking for over 10 years, I don't consider myself a huge marijuana expert, I just have a decent amount of personal experience. I know for younger smokers and beginners it is hard to find something to smoke out of, sometimes you may be scared to keep a piece around the house but never let that be an excuse to make a harmful smoking device!

    For health and taste reasons never make a smoking device out of tin foil or plastic, especially the parts that get hot!

    Here are a few ways you can enjoy your weed even if you don't have a piece and do not know how to roll well yet.

    Cigarette lighter one hitter: This simple method is simple. Push in your cigarette lighter in your car, take a little piece of a nug and break it up into a few pieces. When the lighter is red hot hold it upright and drop the pinch of weed into it while cupping your hand over the lighter and inhale the smoke that rises. I personally hold my left hand facing me, holding the bottom of the lighter with my pinkie and cupping the top with the rest of my hand, and I drop the weed on it with my right. This method isn't super efficient but it is easy. Warning: smoking in vehicles is very risky. also try to not burn yourself

    Apple: Learn to construct an apple pipe. Im not going to explain how to as there are already many methods described online that work. Potatoes also work very well and taste like pretty much nothing.

    Cigarette paper (the easy way): Take a cigarette and gently roll it between your finger tips and pull out the tobacco until its is empty. Break up your weed finely and fill up the cigarette. Take your time, be careful and pack the weed down with a small poker every time you drop a little bit in. Now take the filter of the cigarette and cut off all but a a little bit to keep the weed in. I leave like 1/4 inch of the filter, it doesn't filter out any significant levels of thc!

    Learn to consume weed! Once you understand the basic concepts behind preparing marijuana for consumption you can easily eat it every time. Here is the most simple way I have found :
  2. poking a few holes in a coke can is a quick and easy solution.
  3. Going by speed of toking:

    1. Coke can pipe. All you need is a coke can, your hands, and a knife. Done within 20s
    2. Roll a J. Done within 45s
    3. Light a cigarette, take a few deep drags, and place it onto an aluminum foil baffle, (once you have a huge ass cherry going), (shiny side up), put your cannabis over it. Inhale smoke. Done within 90s. (keep the ember going by gently blowing on it).
    4. Hot Knife off of the burners on your stove. Done within 3m, (as long as you have 2 knifes you don't mind fucking up).

  4. Terrible, terrible advice. Never smoke out of a can. It releases toxic fumes from the paint and from the coating on the aluminum.
  5. Hey, he wanted fast. Besides, after the first use, you can just throw the damn thing out anyways. It's not like coke cans are rare, or a precious commodity or anything. 1 use of a coke can never hurt anybody. Until I was 17, that's all I used to smoke out of. Want a hit? Make a pipe. Throw it out after you're done. You can find another one on the ground/in the trash later if you want to toke again.
  6. I said fast, but also safe. Its hard to meet both criteria if you dont have a glass pipe or aren't a skilled roller.
  7. Buy a glass pipe. Quick and easy. =D.

    Or use socket wrench pieces.
  8. Don't smoke out of a can people. That's fucking stupid.
  9. I have always been a big fan of a 2-litre bottle bong with a 3/16 socket for a bowl duct taped so as not to touch the downstem (I use a pen tube). It was kick-ass for economy and hitting when I was a minor. People on GC will give you shit for smoking out of a plastic or aluminum piece, but it's only a problem if you're a dumbass and vapourise the plastic/use a torch on the aluminum. Though if you have the money and ability, a real glass piece is second only to a vape, so it's rare to find me using the 2-litre anymore.

    The SoBe waterfall is a great socket-friendly piece WITHOUT the plastic.
  10. true, it's definately not the best for your lungs. that's why you throw it away after you use it.

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