Saddest Clone Ever (HELP!)

Discussion in 'Sick Plants and Problems' started by Plantagenda, Jun 22, 2010.

  1. So recently was able to come across a friend of a friend who wanted to get rid of his plants that he was growing.

    He clipped off the top of a ~4 foot plant and put it into a plastic party cup with soil for me to transport it to my place. Last night, it was in the cup and looked decently healthy. The plan was to this morning transplant it into an actual pot with potting soil and put it outside, since currently here in Denver we're getting a lot of nice sunlight.

    Of course, leaving it without light and much water in that jank cup has appeared to seriously whither it. I went ahead and did the transplant today and put up some supports for it to rest on, but as of right now, I don't know what I'm doing and it is looking very depressing.

    It's currently sitting in a location that gets good partially direct/indirect light outside. I didn't want to put it directly in the light as that I'm a little worried that would be just too much stress for it.



    Thanks guys!
  2. Actually clones dont need hardly any light, they dont have roots yet so giving them alot of light actually hurts them...

    Did you use any rooting/clonning solution? It looks like you didnt and clones rarely take root without it... but on the other hand usually all clones get droopy and some of their leafs turn yellow, its somewhat normal.
  3. I didn't use any cloning solution. I have had intentions of growing for a while, but before I could properly educate myself, this was just sorta dropped in my lap without any time to do so. Even if this sucker dies, I'll probably end up germinating some seeds I have anyway.

    It's just a shame considering it came of a very pretty plant that produces white widow. Oh well, that's life. I guess we'll see what happens. Thanks for the input.

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