Saddam Vs. Bush

Discussion in 'Pandora's Box' started by Smokey_McPott, Dec 31, 2006.

  1. Alright Now this may be alittle controversial and i do apologize but.....George Bush has led His country into a few wars and allot of innocent people die in wars like in bombings and other things like that. Now, i bet if you where to compare those two persons war crimes it would be pretty close in the amount of people that have died and other things of that matter. So what would happen if someone got bush and hung him...i think what they did was barbaric there should have been handled in a better manner.

    Honestly I think Saddam and George should have had a boxing match
  2. George W. Bush should be charged with crimes against humanity as well

    Why stop with Saddam Hussein? Let's take a look at the definition of Crimes against humanity (from wikipedia ):

    Iraq War, Abu Ghraib, Guantánamo Bay, which pretty much falls into the category of Murder and Torture... widespread and worsening today. It's now known throughout the world that invading Iraq was a big mistake (including Gerald Ford). A very big mistake it may seem to some, yes, but don't forget.. it was a decision to go in Iraq the moment Bush took office. (Pre-9/11 - Think about that!). Thousands and thousands of American and Iraqi lives dead because the world was lied into a war by the "President". How it is a sad joke to even call him that! Up until this very day, GWB continues to show no signs of remorse, still believes what he did was the right thing (because "God" told him so"), and takes no responsibility for any his incompetent actions. And let's not also forget about Katrina.

    George W. Bush is cowardly, heartless, and a cold-blooded

    “I must tell you, I'm sleeping a lot better than people would assume.”
    - George W. Bush

  3. G, H and I could also be highlighted for the Bush Administration.
  4. There's no comparison between the two, Saddam is the bigger bastard.

    People look at how horrible some of the things the US has done, namely under Bush.. well we're still coming off on the good side more than 90% of the countries who look at us with a disdained eye. No person or country in this world is perfect, infact far from it... but some are a little closer than others, and despite all Americas problems, I refuse to believe we could have it any worse than those under Saddam did.

    The way I see it, most of what Bush has done to people, were people not from our country, in the name of his war. Do I condone it, no. But Saddam on the other hand had no problem just slaying away in the country he was supposed to be leading. At least Bush sticks to his own damned side.

    I do concede though, Bush would have made a pretty funny replacement for Saddam in "South Park; Bigger, longer, and uncut"
  5. I feel ya floydian. But Saddam ruled the way he did for a reason. I'm not gonna try to make the guy look like a teddy bear or anything, but he was the only thing holding that country together from civil war.

    We took him out and now look at iraq.

    Whats even more ridiculous, YEARS after we invaded Iraq the people who are in charge are still not even sure the differences between sunni shi'a and other blocs of islam.

    Blaming bush for the current situation may be a bit too harsh. Its a collective failure of our government and sadly, if you look at history its nothing new.

    Bush and Saddam should have taken a few bingers and settled this over a game of beer pong.
  6. Yep to everything you wrote, yet even with that being true this country elected him twice. He's astonishingly simpleminded, and it's apparent but people somehow thought it was okay to see passed this obvious flaw. George W. Bush the “war criminal” sure, but the way I see it we're all partners in his atrocities, indeed we're the source. “Garbage in garbage out” I think is how that old saying goes. We're only "America</ST1:p" when we believe in the values that have been fought and died for. If all we have to offer is stark indifference than all we'll reap is mediocrity. To elect a man like Bush takes a lethargy so pervasive that it makes me wonder out loud why there isn't more anarchy.

    To put Bush on trial would mean we'd have to look at ourselves and I seriously doubt anyone's willing to do that anytime soon. I mean look at the media Republicans and Democrats alike are doing everything in their power to justify their support for the war. People aren't yet compelled to look at the mechanism and the kind of culture that made this Iraq illusion possible.

    Let's look a little closer at ourselves before we consider putting our leaders on trial for criminal behavior.

    Stay green.
  7. this country elected him twice

    no ,actually the "country" didn't even elect him once.

    nor did it's people.

    History will remember him as little more than the worst person to ever hold the office of president of the United States.

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