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Sad looking girl

Discussion in 'Sick Plants and Problems' started by tropicalgrow420, Nov 7, 2014.

  1. This is her day 12, got four going on, she is a Sharksbreath from DNA growing on canna terra with 2 46 CFLs ... I'm wondering if she is looking like this because I've overwatered her... Or this a signal for transplant?? I've been using just plain water no nutes.
    Any advice welcomed

    PD the cloves are for keeping away moths

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  2. What is wrong with it? It looks green bro I would wait maybe 5 more days to transplant maybe more
  3. Looks over watered give it a few days without watering and see if it picks up if not add nutes
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  4. #4 Grade A, Nov 14, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Nov 14, 2014
    what he said I would give it 3-4 days. It will let you know when it needs more water
  5. Why do you grow if you don't know how to grow?
     Yes transplant them before they get root rot or something for christ's sake.

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