Sad after best friend leaves

Discussion in 'General' started by h2xhardcore, Jan 1, 2013.

  1. Best friend visited Cali from New York

    He just left. We botg Went to high school here and he went to New York 7 month ago for school
    He was out 10 days now I won't see him for 7 months maybe long. He got me into weed and we been smoking again . We hot boxed car today got pulled over by cops on freeway while unboxing . He's a thriller and like really cares unlike sum if the other people I hangout with

    I'm lonely person and he has been my friend since 7 my neighbor . I'm 19 now . Don't see my father . Kinda depressed cuz I have lot of fun with him and now it back to same boring stuff
    Sitting at home Xbox
    Until semester jan 29
    I'm on community college get good grades
    Have a 3.3 .

    Please help me I feel lost

    I'm low on money
    Just got iPhone 5 any good apps

    I vape using cloud
    Smoke wax out of it

    Happy new year

    I'm High
    Add me for halo 4

    Asssault rifle
  2. Please help me
  3. I'm really sorry about your best friend being gone. I know the feeling. My best friend moved out of state and its been hard. My best advice is to text him or if he has an IPhone as well you can FaceTime him when you feel lonely. Just look forward to his return and think of how happy you will be to see him again. I hope you feel better. Happy new year!

    Peace! :)
  4. I'm sorry, dude, I'm not that much different than you. Sounds cliche as fuck, but try to find something you enjoy doing, it really helps to pass the time. And then when you find a thing you enjoy, try to find a club (if your school offers it, look there) that does something similar to the activity. Then you'll meet people that you have at least 1 thing in common with.

    Stay in school, too. I have a friend sorta like you (goes to community college, not much ambition) who makes/smokes a bunch of wax. Whether or not he wants to admit it, I can tell he's depressed. Not the mopey, woe-is-me, convince-me-not-to-kill-myself, cry for attention kinda depressed, but depressed nonetheless. Difference is that he dropped out of school. I understand that when you're depressed, nothing seems worthwhile, and hell, maybe school isn't worthwhile. But at least it takes your mind off your emotions and when you finish school, you have more options than a non-graduate. Besides, what else do you have to do for the time being?

    Stagnation is the root of a lot of people's depression. Set a goal (it can be almost anything) and work for it. You'll be happier, I promise.
  5. and happy new year to you, too.

    2013's gonna be a better year haha
  6. I also have a friend that is deeply depressed that recently dropped out. It's sad.
  7. don't get me wrong, I'm not saying that going to school is a cure-all for depression nor am I saying that higher education is for everybody. all I'm saying is that if you're young and dropping out cause you're depressed, that is literally the absolute worst thing you could do (unless you're going to start working or something). It eliminates quite a few options that probably won't ever appear again, and more often than not (for someone dropping out of school due to emotional issues) the time freed up from not going to school is spent getting fucked up.

    but yeah, it is sad.
  8. I completely agree with you. School is def not for everyone. But like you said, if you're not at school, you are stuck at home to sit and think and become even more depressed with little to no social interactions. I like to visit my friend often and take him out to eat or something on the weekdays to cheer him up.

  9. This, is how I have felt since I graduated high school.
  10. Bump
    Good advice
    Keep it coming
    Sorry to other blades going through this

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