Sachs Bridge

Discussion in 'Real Life Stories' started by kaiserd00d, Apr 11, 2013.

  1. First watch this video,

    The story starts as me, my best friend steve, and I decide to go to Gettysburg, PA, where one of the most brutal battles of the Civil War took place. I am very interested in history and decided to dmrive.around the auto tour areas late at night. (Being on the battlefield is closed after dark mind you). But to continue with the story, we go to Sachs Bridge which is where the Confederates retreated after the battle and their loss.. we are standing on the bridge and it is just after 3am, the devils hour. And I run back to grab my phone to take some pictures. IT WAS NOT FOGGY AND I WAS NOT SMOKING ANYTHING. These are my personal pictures I recovered, all in rapid succesion of eachother. Ghosts are real. Scariest moment of my life, I immediately ran to my car and got the fuck outta there.. steve was confused until I showed him the pics.

    Attached Files:

  2. What am I looking at in these pictures? To me it looks like one guy lighting up a cigarette or something.
  3. What part of the picture am I supposed to see I dint see much in it.
  4. If you were to watch the video, you'd understand. There was a cloud that was invisible to the naked eye, and no my buddy pissed on the bridge lol.
  5. I watched the whole thing. I see no cloud in your pictures.
  6. Now that I think about it you were at a Bridge did you completely rule out fog, mist, anything related to the elements since you are above water.

    Edit: I don't mean a foggy night I mean a small cloud of fog or something.

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