Hello all Little question: I just bought the REB 1 Soler and Palau fan speed controller for my TD500/150 inline fan. (2 speed) This speed controller seems to simply be a glorified variable resistor designed to control S&P extractors which draw less than 1 amp. The fan is wired in such a fashion as to be switchable between a high speed circuit and a low speed circuit. The guy in the shop said to only apply the controller to the high speed circuit and NOT to the low speed. I tried to question his logic on this but he couldn't give me a good reason other than that is what he'd heard. Since both speed settings of my fan draw less than 1 amp I can see no reason not to apply the controller to the low speed circuit. What do u guys think? Thanks a lot dudes.
S & P fans are suppose to be best fans out there for stealth. I have heard as well that the low speed setting causes resistance that creates heat and could burn out the switch. This is why most use a suplemental fan speed adjuster with a fuse built in. To protect their investment of the high dollar fan. I don't really remember where I read that. Just like the other guy. Maybe it's like the myth of the golden city. If you feel up to it switch it to low for a while and monitor heat. If nothing happens maybe you'll be fine
switching from high to low is fine if it is a 2speed motor but dont use a speed control on it and try to slow the motor down that will F it up if u run it to slow so if its a 2 speed its made to switch from high to low
Thanks for getting back to me so quickly. The concern about burning out the 2 speed switch is unfounded. There are essentially 2 different sets of motor windings and the switch simply switched from one set of winings to the other. The switch itself does not restrict curent in any way. Now, when using this seperate speed controller (voltage regulator) the guy in the shop said to only apply it to the high speed set of wondings in the fan and NOT the low speed set of windings. Since each set of windings is essentially a different motor (one 22w and the other 30w) which both pull less than an amp, I con't understand why it is a bad idea to apply the voltage controller to the low speed winding. I know the question is not very clear. Does this make more sense?
From the TD Mixvent series PDF: "An additional advantage of the MIXVENT TD fans is that they are fitted with direct connection two speed motors as standard. In addition, all motors are suitable for speed control regulation using electronic or auto-transformer controllers." Unfortunately it makes no reference to the concerns the guy in the shop had about applying the controller to the low speed set of windings. EDIT: Only the TDT (timer) is not suited to variable speed control
not shure what kinda switch you got mybe fancy lol but this is a reg 3 speed control i just dont use med i did notice that this one only goes up to 1/2 hp works fine for me heres some pics http://i249.photobucket.com/albums/gg202/dwelrth/Picture051.jpg http://i249.photobucket.com/albums/gg202/dwelrth/Picture052.jpg has power coming in then it switchs power to each leg hi low med if u need low speed try it motor should be thermally protected just keep checking motor make shure it does not get hot ;/
i have a light dimmer on my ceiling fan in the masta room for setting the mood and when i dim the light the ceiling fan dont like slows down motor and u can hear the noise it makes not good lol over heats it
Yeah, I believe this controller works on the same principle. The fan motor makes a bit of a buzzing sound. I don't know. On the S&P PDFs it mentions that the TD series is fine for voltage based speed control. And the voltage controller is made by the same company. I mean.... surely it is good? I ran the fan on the lowest setting for an hour or so to make sure it wouldn't get hot or something. It was totally fine, all chilly like a winter's breeze 'n shit. Although it sounds like a slightly demented dildo, that's nothing a little fibre glass could't take care of...... I hope :/
You don't even need a high school diploma to open a grow shop. Or a plumbing shop. Whatever. Think about it.
Yeah man. After all the dicking around, by the time I got it all hooked up with the filter and everything, turns out I don't even need the speed controller. Much to my horror it looks like I'm gonna have to run the fan on full blast. Here's to hoping a good wrapping in fibre glass will keep that hurricane sound down. The shit is loud!
run another fan just for the light(s) this way you can run both fans on low... one to cool just the light and the other to bring in fresh air and cool your grow area noisy fan problem solved.... more money though...
Much as it sucks, this is what I may have to do. It turns out that the 350CFM fan is not even sufficient to keep my 70 cubic foot growing area cool. Thanks for the tip
yeah.. your setup calls for a 420 cfm rated fan.... you should look at the temps where your drafting air into your grow space.... if you can lower the temps there... the overall temp should drop.... I just added a floor fan to push air towards my buddy's grow and it lowered his temps ten degrees... also.. if your moving that much air... it has to go somewhere... try pushing your air to another room.. or the attic... if your only pushing air out of a tent and into the room its siting in, your room is gonna get super hot... then your tent will get hot..... need more info or pics to really help you... but a couple of holes in your walls would make a giant difference...