BEWARE LONG READ, VERY PHILOSOPHICAL / MIND NUMBING So, i just watched S. Darko (Sober i might add), and both this movie and Donnie Darko are both amazing movies. But with the thoughts that are put into your head while watching both movies makes for crazy and slightly psychotic thoughts. As S. Darko ends, it shows a totally different ending then that what was expected from 10 minutes before in the aspect its completely changed by Sam Darko and her friend Kori (dunno spelling but w/e).. For anyone who has watched either of these movies, have you ever drifted into the thought of being able to remember the future, to make the past the present? My mind is whirling in this train of thought, i feel enlightened by this movie, even though i know it has almost no relevance to anything within the scope of the material world we live in. How can we as humans be unable to create the futures of which we desire? I mean, like, in the movie, (spoiler---->>>>) Sam dies half way through, but her friend Kori who is guilt ridden, starts to see a boy who was assumed dead and missing, this boy shows asks her "What would you do to have same back..." and leads her to a tunnel opening. There is a molecular substance leading her to this tunnel, and from the movie Donnie Darko, you realize its whats called a Life Path, it guides you through life, in a sense that its all ready planned out, until you can figure out how to change the path your taking, by going back in time and rewriting the path completely. When Kori answers the boy, she says she will do anything to have sam back... As she walks through this tunnel, she is sent back in time, sent back to just moments before her friend dies. And in sams voice, it says this is your last chance.. In the original scene, Kori and Sam have a fight and sam walks off, then being hit by a car that Kori was originally in while they argued. Kori got out of the car and the car drove off and was t-boned by another car. Sam was inbetween the cars as they hit. But in the scene where kori goes back, she is nice to sam almost in aspect of her remembering the future if it were to have happened again, Kori doesnt get out of the car and sam stands still after they drive off. Kori dies by the car t-boning her side of the car where sam would have been smashed. This makes me wonder if in reality, De Javu (sp?) is actually us getting another chance and things that can affect our future life paths. Its not uour minds slowing down and re-catching up with time as some people say, maybe its something thats already happend, something that can dictate how the rest of our life goes. Some people have said that, right before someone dies close to them, weird things happen, stuff that makes them chose something differently then they normally would.. Or even them escaping death by doing something out of the ordinary from their natural routine. So is it possible for the human mind to remember things from the future, from a dream that could actually be something we have lived? And change the outcome by remembering it and placing it within the aspect of present time? Sorry for the wall of text, kinda was in a wtf kinda mood with this movie.. Post your thoughts and or ideas along these lines.. if you please **Edited : Spelling