S-1 seed- Jedi death star

Discussion in 'Indoor Grow Journals' started by Clearsky, May 6, 2023.

  1. #1 Clearsky, May 6, 2023
    Last edited: May 6, 2023
    Going to do a journal on my S-1 seed which is Jedi death star.
    It's 8 days old in promix and vermiculite and perlite with lime and gypsum in a 5 gallon air pot. 16833740460691645215378218288264.jpg
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  2. I been thinking about using vermiculite but I assume it was the same as petite? But you are using both?

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  3. #4 Clearsky, May 6, 2023
    Last edited: May 6, 2023
    Screenshot_20211117-181708.jpg Vermiculite has silica in it which makes the stocks bigger.
    Also my mixture makes a perfect PH 6.2 mixture.
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  4. J
    Hell yeah so do you still fertilize?

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  5. Peat or peat moss? I assume peat. We use to use it in the bait farm but I have peat moss compost and perlite

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  6. I use promix in the mix and three parts Master blend to feed plant. It's master blend and calcium nitrate and Epson salt's
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  7. After looking at my little plant I seen in the picture something wasn't right, so I went and looked at her again closer.
    If you look at where the third set of leaves are going to come out there's only one leave you can see.
    I got my magnifying glass out and looked and something eat one side of her.
    Probably a sink bug not sure but something did.
    For sure it's going to slow her down but should recover it just sucks.
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  8. #10 Clearsky, May 7, 2023
    Last edited: May 7, 2023
    I got over 2000 watts from wall I can use when I need it.
    They are QB- LM-301-H cree 660 nm- 730nm .
    Right now I'm giving that small plant a little over 300 par.
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  9. Wow

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  10. Two buds I saved from plant that wasn't pollinate are still holding 60 RH so still curing.
    Very strong skunk smell so excited to see what the S-1 seed produces.
    The people who have smoked it said it was better than all other people's stuff in my area which makes me happy. Screenshot_20230508-192825.png Screenshot_20230508-192748.png
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  11. Looks killer

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  12. #14 Clearsky, May 15, 2023
    Last edited: May 15, 2023
    17 days old today, she is pretty light looking probably could increase ppm a little. Right now she is getting 450 ppm had a little issue with something eating one leaf but she is back growing again. I may use this plant for a mother for clones 16841542560996766410350894605889.jpg
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  13. Nice especially for that quick. Is that 17 days from busting dirt?

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  14. Yes, and to me that's small, usually my plants are bigger than that at that age.
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  15. But this is a new breed and I can see already it's going to be a short bushy plant because of the indica that's in it.
    You can see it's missing the the node fan leaf on one side so that slowed the growth down on her.
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  16. Wow

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  17. Went a head and filmed plant today to see how it goes. 16842724695101472860401493885427.jpg
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  18. I'm guessing since you did it that you prefer to fim over top? I know that sounds dumb but I never have fimmed but have been told to try it

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