Rusty, watery spots - Help!!

Discussion in 'Sick Plants and Problems' started by Ridgetop, Feb 7, 2011.

  1. Woke up this morning to a problem that, literally, seems to have popped up overnight. Here are details:

    • Single indica (hash bomb feminized seed) in a basic waterfarm, closet set-up
    • Two 125w warm spectrum cfls with reflectors
    • Temps are 73-78 daytime & 65-70 night, not sure about humidity but "feels" fairly low
    • 17 days into 12/12
    • Using GH nutes following "Bloom" schedule & kool bloom additive
    • PH flucts between 5.5-7
    About 3 weeks ago, I noticed some fungus gnats but felt that I had been battling them pretty successfully as I noticed no real change in my plant. This morning, on the newer growth of the lower part of the plant, appeared some rust-colored, watery looking spots that looked like someone had eye-dropped paint on the middle (not the edges) of the leaves. I apologize for the attached pics as my camera is old and sucks. I'm hoping that someone can help me just from the description and tell me what this might be. Thanks.

    Attached Files:

  2. dosent look too bad yet it can be stopped how many leafs are infected ? :confused::hello:
  3. Maybe 7-8 which I nipped off. So far, all of the affected leaves were new growth near the bottom of the plant. Just went home for lunch and didn't notice any spread but since this popped up overnight I'm a little worried about tonight.:confused:
  4. ummm i would say try and remove enough of the infection, keep your eye on it for a bit longer ill have a flick through my book for you see hwta help i can get you mate :D :hello::hello:
  5. Here are some slightly better pictures. The brown spots/patches are shiny and water like.

    Attached Files:

  6. dont cut em off. it will just go to new leafs if you dont fix the problem.try making your pics a little biger, cuz i cant see sh*t. from here it looks like cal/mag def. fix your ph and get some dolomite lime.
  7. Thanks. I'm starting to think you're right about the mg deficiency and I'm also having a hard time controlling ph from day to day. Should I empty my rez and run only water for a day or two and then resume nutes?
  8. #8 halfa380, Feb 8, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 8, 2011
    well you def. need to fix your ph.are you growing hydro or soiless?never cut off a leaf unless its not geting light or its damaged more than 50%.especialy without fixing the problem, otherwise it will go to new growth and you dont want remember. cal/mag problem continues even after its fixed so dont freak out.
    • Agree Agree x 1

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