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Rusty Piece

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by levi17, Jan 26, 2010.

  1. yeah so i havent really used my metal pipe in a while and my other pipe broke so i finally found it and the bowl had some rust in it i was just wondering if it was safe to smoke out of it with the rust in it?? oh i've googled it and came up inconclusive
  2. I would NOT. glass is the way to go or just skip it man
  3. IMO, try to just get a cheap little glass piece, like $15 max.

    But, if you wanna smoke out of that, just get some steel wool and rub the rust away, should be good as new. I wouldn't smoke out of it with the rust still in there, could be like inhaling heavy metals.
  4. ok thanks guys i'll probably just get rid of it i'm not that desperate lol
  5. yea dude just get a one hitter for like 2$ :)

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