Rust? Mold? Mildew?

Discussion in 'Sick Plants and Problems' started by seamus8u, Jan 14, 2010.

  1. #1 seamus8u, Jan 14, 2010
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 14, 2010
    So some of my leaves are turning a rusty brown color starting at the veins only, but then proceeds to kill the leaf after about a week.

    In a 10x10 room, in Veg.
    atm I have 1- 6ooW hps and 1- 1000W hps
    3 parts Down to Earth to 1 part Basement mix.
    Cutting Edge Solutions 3-part, plus additives (per their suggested)
    Nutri-Plus Yucca Extract for wetting
    Greenlight for bugs every week
    Serenade for fungi every week
    pH stays between 5.5 and 6
    Temp. between 70 and 83max. is where the prob might be. I didn't have my dehumid. on for about 2 weeks. My humidity fluxed from 60-80%. (Still in Veg mind you!) 80% at lights off...especially after I spray. So I'm wondering if this humidity is just settling in the lower valleys of the veiny areas, and then causing Rust/Mold/Mildew??? I use Serenade consistently. Every 4 to 7 days. Same with Greenlight Neem. I've also turned my dehumid. back on and have a consistent 60% humid now. So at this point I'm waiting to see if that was the prob. But if you could check the pics...lemme know what you think...gimme some suggestions?? Even suggestions on changing to better nutes or fungal/pest control or wetting or soil!

  2. Nutrient burn, it always is.

    You didn't specify the PPM but you specified that you did their "recommended dosage". Bingo, thats the problem. Nute lockup and burn. Try half strength of what they say on the bottle next time. Right now, start flushing for a few days minimum with plain water. You'll notice the runoff looks like solution of nutrients. Hmm...excess salts running out. Hmm...

    Oh, and stop foilar spraying. It is making your humidity too high and also nute burning your plants. I never foilar spray and never have except for one time and it ruined all my crops. Just feet the roots and let the leaves evaporate like it should normally.

    Sometimes a lot of the info on the forums is useless, wrong, and or plain stupid. Just water like you'd normally water a plant and don't feed them as much. 1000 PPM MAXIMUM during vegetative is my rule of thumb.
  3. #3 vince_1015, Jan 14, 2010
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 14, 2010
    I would disagree with the 1000 ppm. The plants may grow fine at 1000 ppm but i usually have 1300 in bloom and I rarely experience burning. It all depends on your nutrients, the species, and how quickly you introduce a full feeding.

    Your humidity will need to be at around 40% when you go into bloom or you could get moldy buds. Not so important in Veg.

    BTW i agree that you probably have nute burn. 75% of problems are nute burn and 25% are overwatering issues(except in hydro). Also, ph should be between 6.0-6.5
  4. Your ph is way to low. Below 6.0 you loose the top 5 essential nutrients.

    What I didnt know... is we have to adjust the ph on every feed or watering before application.
    in other words...mix up your H20 and whatever you add for this application , then add ph +/- to get it at 6.5 then apply.
    I will never add anything again with out ph'ing it first.

    Look at this chart & see. I printed this out & stuck it everyplace I could in my grow room

    Plus it sounds like your over feeding them.
    Your humidity for now is fine, all the humidity will do is dry out or mold buds.
  5. Ouch! That burns...

    So that being said about nute didn't start happening until I started using the additives. This is the first run I've used them. I usually stick with Cutting Edge's 3 part system without them and have never had a problem with anything...used foliar spray of Serenade and Neem (seperately) never had a bug or fungi or any burn... beautiful Jack Herer. (Very lucky I guess) Now that I think about when I added their Plant Amp and Uncle John's, I guess it was right before this appeared. The very first time I added! Damn it! I thought...Yay, if my crops were this amazing w/o the additives...they'll be even more amazing with...didn't take burn into consideration. Doy!

    So, I'll start flushing...using pH up/down with every watering...question tho...

    How do I know/figure out my ppm???? So as to use the proper amount of nutes?

    Also what do you test the pH of your water with? Lit Paper? or some specific brand of meter? I have a Rapitest mine pH tester...not digital...think it might be kinda useless. It goes up and down mind you...hehe...but I'm not sure how accurate they are.

    thanks for the quick responses btw!!! my new favorite site!!
  6. For ph you need a meter, the test strips & colored water are a waste of time.
    this is my ph meter

    Same thing for ppms, get a meter

    If you had good luck before then just stick with what worked.
    You did the same thing I did. first grow, then went crazy on the 2nd.
    What happens is as you add all these additives the ph drops with every spoonful.

    Once you use the meters you'll start learning how to control it. I usualy need ph up during veg & ph down during flowering as all the additives are added & nutes get rich.

    For the next few watering/feeding give them just ph'd H20, maybe some cal-mag?

    And then ... read your ph & ppms before adding solution & catch some runoff & measure it too!
    that will show you a lot. But don't ask me what it means... I'm still learning too!!!

    Then come over the the MJ growing area and read every journal, a few are growing Jack ...I think...
  7. Already notice a difference! Flushed with pH6.2 plain aerated water. Will continue flush for couple days.... Gonna lst for a few days and then 12/12! Muy bien!

    Thanks again... XD

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