Sup blades... Well, i used to play this game called RuneScape. I think it is what is missing from my life...Any blades got a spare account to throw my way. pl0xpl0xpl0x...pretty pl0x
lol i used to have play a lot. got a level 120 with 2300 total and a sweet name. one letter name like one of the dagannoth kings at waterbird. i was considering selling it but didnt know where or how. pm if your interested? lol
Trust me, after you see what they did that game you'll never want to even think about the word Runescape ever again. Do yourself a favor and forget about that game, because it's ruined.
I played it once.. several years ago.. and never went back to it... On second thought, I am glad I didn't waste a shitload of time on that game @OP: Try other games out first You might like some of the other options available.
i agree. i quit at the end of 2010 or something and its shit back then. there isnt even 1v1 combat anymore which means you can pk and everyone has 990 health now
One letter names GOT to be worth a few hundred bucks.. theres millions of accounts. I'd get on selling that shit asap. try a website called Sythe. Not sure if they're still up but thats what I used back in middle school to trade accounts and shit.
I got a clutch staker on rsc (94 atk, 96 def, 89 str 89 hp, 34 prayer) combat level 89. I spent many many months of constant botting (wineing, fatiguing) to get him to the beastly stats he has right now. Also got a maxed pure on rs2 (99 atk, 99 str, 23 def, 52 prayer, 95 mage/range). As well as a maxed (flat 99's in combat) and a def pure. Also share the account name "Strength" which is extremely rare. Was one of the first 100 accounts made. Was an OG until i quit
[quote name='"Undercover DEA"']I got a clutch staker on rsc (94 atk, 96 def, 89 str 89 hp, 34 prayer) combat level 89. I spent many many months of constant botting (wineing, fatiguing) to get him to the beastly stats he has right now. Also got a maxed pure on rs2 (99 atk, 99 str, 23 def, 52 prayer, 95 mage/range). As well as a maxed (flat 99's in combat) and a def pure. Also share the account name "Strength" which is extremely rare. Was one of the first 100 accounts made. Was an OG until i quit[/quote] I dont think the runescape classic accounts even work anymore? Could be wrong though. If not, you could sell those for a shit ton
Same here, just to chat up with a few old friends and check how much further Jagex has ruined failscape. I hear that they're gonna change the combat system now.
[quote name='"s0mekind"'] Same here, just to chat up with a few old friends and check how much further Jagex has ruined failscape. I hear that they're gonna change the combat system now.[/quote] Yeah same, I miss how Runescape used to be, wheneer I watch old vids of it on youtube or something I nostalgia in my pants
Hahah to OP, I was just thinking about getting back into this game to pass time. I forgot all my account details though, which sucks.
Do NOT even bother trying to start again.. they are changing the whole combat system it will be like a cheesy WoW where you have abilities and shit. Garbage.