What are your smoking rules and regulations hahahahah.... between friends..... Once your in the rotation you can't quit out... If you ask who gets aces ( we call greens aces, 2nd deuce, 3rd tri's, 4th quads) we go FUCK YOU, YOU GET ACES.... (Actign like were mad) If you ask who gets aces on purpose like if people notice you get last...... when your munchin you always gotta give a friend the last bite or sip of your drink. If you get some bud to split you split it your friend picks the bag. Those are the ones I can think of off the top of my head.
- We puff, puff, puff again and then pass if its 3 or less people. - We puff, puff and then pass if it's more than 3 people. - If it's obviously a roach, it becomes a 2 hit pass regardless of the people. - If you have weed, you throw down. - Nobody thanks eachother, smoking to us is a communal thing. Everybody smokes eachother out and no special recognition is given. If you smoke everybody out more than you are getting smoked out then go smoke by yourself. - You can't pick up a roach thrown on the ground. - Don't complain about anything, if its not your weed - If you are smoking, everbody is smoking.. No sneaking off for a bowl to yourself - Ofcourse all these rules can be broken if majority agrees, or given a certain situation. We are civilized, intellectual pot heads.
-Who ever packs the bowl or rolls the blunt/joint gets green -We call order in spanish. . . and who ever says the number first gets that that order regardless. -With a piece its one hit pass -With a blunt/joint its puff puff pass regardless number of people. -Instead of throwing down, we just match. Unless everyone is low then we all throw our scraps in. -Without saying it, if you are smoked up but have no weed on you. . . you are first to smoke everyone up next time you have weed. -Always let the most experienced roller, roll. We dont fuck around with shitty blunts/joints -Always pass to the left. And my own rule, girls hit first. Just my gentleman thing.
Usually if its a group and there is lets say 2 ppl packing a bowl with both their bags so its fair, then the person who packs it (One of the holders) gets first pull, then the other holder gets rotation. If its one persons weed they get first, second goes to who ever calls rotation, then around the circle in their direction. Its puff pass.Usually cuz around here ppl dont have too much weed its like a couple bowls or a couple joints so we spread it out so the bowls arent cached before they make it around. Pretty much it...and no getting slobberr on the joint, what you could call, "N word" lipping. Thats about it other than that everyone is layed back.
If someone asks "Did I already hit this?" the answer is always "Hit it again!". Why? I don't know. Just accept it.
When I smoke with other people, we have an unspoken, sort of instictive set of rules: - Don't jack any of the bud; we'll know, and we'll fuck you up - Don't slobber on the damn joint - Don't keep talking about "how good the weed you can get from your dealer is" or dumb shit like that - Puff puff pass, not puff puff puff puff puff puff puff puff, oh shit, I think it's done - Don't bogart the grass while telling some story, even if it's a good one. Keep telling it until it comes around your way again, take your hit, then continue - Nobody wants to hear about your godly level of tolerance, especially after you got trashed after two hits - Stop pretending you know everything about weed. Last week you didn't even know what a bong was - Don't show up and expect to get high for free when we fucking told you we were going to match. Sit over there and watch
I hate when people bitch and complain about the weed that they are getting smoked up on. So another rule i forgot about is, if you dont like the weed, dont smoke it. otherwise, shut up.
Ok heres one for yas.... My friend always intercepts the pass and then says its "passers toke" before passing it on to who I was passing it to in the first place, Anybody aware of passers toke or is my friend just an intercepting greedy fuck wit!?
It sounds to me like that guy's fucking with you. I would not allow that. A lot of the ones I see here are common unspoken rules in our group as well. I love the similarities.
Rule 1- Your weed..your rules Though most of my friends agree on the same things.. 1. Pass to the left. 2. Dont cough on the peice/joint 3. Puff puff pass people!! 4. Dont rag pples shit..that gets you a backslap 5. Enjoy the high, dont trip or do something stupid
smoking at home if its between 3 people and im stuck in the middle... i always take a passers toke... its not a real toke, just a short little one so i know my presence is known -Dont slobber on the joint -Dont get lip gloss on the joint (for the women) -3 puff max -Pass to the left -Dont bitch
dont slobber all over the joint dont bitch or complain unless your providing some green puff puff pass rotation rotation rotation no party fouls
The proper way to call someone on fucking up in any way is to yell loudly, "SHENNANIGANS!". Trust me, you DON'T want to be called on shennanigans....