Rude cops

Discussion in 'General' started by psilocyberspace, Dec 8, 2012.

  1. Yesterday a friend of mine got busted by the cops on a hip hop concert, well.. actually he didn't even get to see the band. Anyway, the cops thought he was high, but he haven't smoked for about a month and he was all nice to the cop and tried to explain that he was only drunk. He replied "sit down and shut the fuck up", my friend got upset and raised his voice a little (he didnt get violent) and then the cop got pissed off and took him to the station and forced him to do an urine test.

    It ends with him being locked up in a drunken cell and the next day when he got released he asked them for their full names, they got pissed again and threatend to throw him back into the cell. They spend so much time and money here in sweden to try to bust as many stoners as they can. We stoners are easy targets because we are everywhere.
  2. That's kindve fucked, was he acting like a drunk ass though?

    If not and he was just enjoying his buzz then that's fucked.
  3. No he didn't. The police here is known to be very rude to potheads :confused_2:

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