RTN + BZ's SuperBox/SuperCloset 2.0 Perpetual Grow

Discussion in 'Indoor Grow Journals' started by RememberTheName, Mar 23, 2012.

  1. #1 RememberTheName, Mar 23, 2012
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 23, 2012
    Hello Fellow Blades!

    BlazingZombiess and I are currently rooming together.. He moved in just in time for my SuperBox http://www.supercloset.com/ to arrive. Lol

    I have a SuperBox right now... And a SuperCloset 2.0 is en route to my apartment nowsa..

    THE PLAN: Perpetual Grow.. Veg in the SuperBox and Flower in the Closet.

    Now.. With good intentions we jumped both feet into this.. and because of that had.. A bit of a rough start..

    So Days 1-9 we Only had 2/4 sprout. I'm only doing 4 to save space.. N shit.

    In the reservoir the PH was a solid 6 the whole 9 days and the only nute in there was 5ml of Root 66 by Technaflora

    So today is Day 10..

    And we had a little bit of like.. Algae I guess. So we emptied the Resevoir and scrubbed the fuck out of it with hydrogen peroxide..

    And the tube for the air pump..



    This is our first attempt at growing so.. Throw it at us. What we need to do? Stop doing?

    Info needed.. Things that need to be bought etc

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  2. DAY 11 - Since Germination

    Yesterday we Changed the reservoir from Plain 6.0PH water.. To 6.0PH with Root 66 and Sugar Daddy from TechnaFlora..

    Today. Not much to update but some crazy awesome growth on the one the big Critical Madness.. Bunch of new growth is coming in just above the first node...

    A Sugar Mango Ryder seed that I started germinating to replace one of the faulty lowryder seeds.. Well yeah his taproot popped out.. Tossed him in the cube soaked in 6.0PH water + Root 66..

    Just waitin for him to sprout now..

    PPM - 158 (if my reader thing is correct)

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  3. Progress: Pictures: 1

    photo (3).JPG
    -Critical Mass
    -Healthy Guy, looks really great, 1st sprouted

    photo (4).JPG
    Critical Mass
    -Little Guy finally coming up!! :) Looking very good soo far

    photo (6).JPG
    -The Sugar Mango Ryder
    - Hasn't sprouted yet but it should veryyy soon.

    photo (7).JPG
    -Theirs two more seeds planted in the back to pots. They are low riders, and we dont want to post any pictures of them just in case they dont sprout or something goes wrong...
  4. Progress: Pictures:2

    Since yesterday The Sugar Mango Ryder and the Critical Mass are the only ones who have had visual progress.

    photo (10).JPG
    -Critical Mass has a little bit of progress since yesterday. There's already 6 new baby leaves coming in!

    * photo (8).JPG
    -Side Shot of Sugar Mango Ryder, Sorry its kinda blurry D:

    * photo (10).JPG
    -The Sugar Mango Ryder sprouted in 1 day exactly!! Hes a cute little fella :)

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  5. Day 12 - Mar 25

    Critical Mass Sprout - 1st node fully formed

    Critical Mass Sprout - First set of leaves formed (post cotelydon), next sprouting

    Sugar Mango Ryder - Sprouted!

    Inside Temp - 80F

    Humidity - 43%

    PH - 6.0

    Water Temp 79F

    PPM 181

    Now when I say Day 12.. That's Day 12 since I put the seeds into paper towel. It's for the mango who was put into paper towel 4 days ago.
  6. Critical Mass is on Day 13
    Progress: Pictures: 3

    critical mass #2.JPG
    -Critical Mass: Continues to be the best looking so far!! This one is growing soo fast!

    Critical 2nd.JPG
    -Critical Mass: This is the Second Critical Mass, this guy is doing good, finally can see his root coming out of the bottom... i give it a day before it a day before it reaches the water.

    The Sugar Mango Ryder on Day 2

    sugar mango ryder.JPG

    -The Sugar Mango Ryder is Growing fast!! Its already caught up to the second critical mass after 2 days of being germinated then planted!! We have high hopes for The Sugar mango Ryder :)

    Over view.JPG
    -All The plants and its resevoir :)

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  7. Progress: Pictures 4 + 5
    Finally at 2 weeks
    View attachment 847632 View attachment 847631
    -Critical Mass- looking good, growing faster and faster each day

    View attachment 847633
    -Critical Mass- little guy finally getting going!!

    View attachment 847636
    -The Sugar Mango Ryder Is only 3 days in and its already almost caught up to the little critical mass plant :)

    View attachment 847634

    Sorry i had to combine both days in one stread... i got to high and lazyyy :p

    Anyways, the bigger critical mass plant is looking a little droopy... I dont no if its from lack of water or too much water... or even what at all??....

    Progress: Pictures: 5
    2 weeks 1 day

    -The Big Critical Mass Plant
    #2 Critical Mass Big Guy2.JPG

    #2 Critical Mass Big guy3.JPG

    -Some Droopage shots

    -Little Critical Mass

    #2 Critical Mass Little Guy2.JPG
    -Looking Good, Starting to finally see multiple roots coming out the bottom of his container :)

    -The Sugar Mango Ryder
    Only On day 4!!!! nice :)

    #2 Sugar Mango Ryder2.JPG

    #1 Revicoir.JPG

    Please feel free to comment if you know whats going wrong with the Bigger Critical Mass Plant.. We would like to prevent anything before it happens!!

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  8. Attached Files:

  9. Day 18 - Mar 31 - Since Germ - Reservoir Change (Possibly Bad PH)

     Day 15 - Critical Mass Sprout -  Slight burns at tips/edges, minor wilting 

    Day 10 - Critical Mass Sprout - tips barely burned

    Day 7 - Sugar Mango Ryder - starting to move onto forming the 1st node

    Inside Temp:  78.8F

    Humidity:  38%

    PH: 5.9

    Water  Temp: 79F

    PPM: 396
  10. #10 RememberTheName, Apr 5, 2012
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 5, 2012
    Pic #1 - one of the leaves is curling on that fan leaf..

    Pic #2 - one of the leaves is curling on the same plant. Different fan leaf.

    Pic #3 - attempted pic of the nodes.. I think I'm on my sec.. I'm gunna try and get a better camera soon.

    Pic #4 - Critical Mass second plant. Looking solid. I'll post a root shot of them later.

    Pic #5 Sugar Mango Ryder. It's leaves are growing weird as fuck. Wish I could get a better picture.

    Pic #6 can I top after this growth??

    Pic # 7 another pic of the new growth

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  11. Following your post strongly and wanted to ask if the temp and humidity are constant. Are you varying it at different times, or are you trying to pretty much keep find a good balance and let it remain that way for the entire duration of the journal? I'm following other journals as well trying to compare results so I can possibly come up with some ideas to maximize on both. In other words, taking bits and pieces from multiple sources to see what I can come up with.
  12. [quote name='"chufuong"']

    Following your post strongly and wanted to ask if the temp and humidity are constant. Are you varying it at different times, or are you trying to pretty much keep find a good balance and let it remain that way for the entire duration of the journal? I'm following other journals as well trying to compare results so I can possibly come up with some ideas to maximize on both. In other words, taking bits and pieces from multiple sources to see what I can come up with.[/quote]

    I'm using a SuperCloset.

    So it's all self contained and shit and built to be consistent.

    Haven't had any issues with temp or humidity.

    The hottest it got was yesterday and that was 84F..

    We've been having some crazy ass PH issues though.

    Been rising consistently. Would go from 5.6 to 6.8 in a few hours..

    Did that for a few days but I think we got the issue pinpointed as the Tap Water. Cause it doesn't do it as bad with Water you get from out from grocery stores.
  13. #13 RememberTheName, Apr 6, 2012
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 7, 2012
    Day 22 - April 5.. I think lol

    Critical Mass Sprout - Second Node formed. Growing large distances between nodes BECAUSE we didn't lst it from start. The other critical mass's node's are growing really close together. I was honestly shocked.

    Critical Mass Sprout - dis shit goin crazy besides some initial PH issues it's looking real good! :)

    Sugar Mango Ryder - Honestly.. Idk what the fuck is happening with this plant. Weird ass genetics man..

    Inside Temp - 77F

    Humidity - 46%

    PH - 5.9

    PPM 343

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  14. #14 RememberTheName, Apr 6, 2012
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 7, 2012
    Changed the Resevoir yesterday.

    Using technaflora's "Recipe for Success"

    At half strength.

    Also added Root 66 for the little plants that are a little behind.

    Starting to form some fatty root balls lol

    Any questions or anything GC? So surprised there's been almost no traffic in this thread lol

    EDIT: The Freight company just called and said that my SuperCloset 2.0 will be gettin here Monday. :)
  15. Progress: pictures: iforgot

    Critical Mass: the bigger one


    Critical Mass: the smaller guy, looking realy great


    Its roots

    The sugar mango ryder: its leaf is coming in soo wierd its like they r stuck to each other..


    New guy: Newly sprouted, going threw some low stress training :)


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  16. #16 RememberTheName, Apr 8, 2012
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 8, 2012
    Day 24 - April 7

    Day 21 - Critical Mass [Front Left] - Growing fast now. Gunna top or Fim or whatever in the next few days. Gotta look it up to feel more comfy with it.

    Day 16 - Critical Mass [Front Right] - new leaf sets forming at the nodes.. Gunna start "filling out" soon. This one appears to be doing the best so far. At this point with the other CM we fucked up the PH a little.. Burned the bottom two leaf sets..

    Day 13 - Sugar Mango Ryder - The new set of leaves. Which'll be its first set of fan leaves or whatever. They don't look like there gunna grow as fuckin weird as that first set.

    Day 3 - Bagseed - Stretching. First set of leaves forming.

    Inside Temp - 80F

    Humidity - 20% dropping a little..

    PH - 6.4.. Adjusting.. Will report back.

    PPM - 354

    Any questions? Zombies will post pics soonith.
  17. Progress: Pictures: 8

    (front left) Critical mass #1: looking great, had excellent recovery


    (front right) critical mass #2: lookin very sexy, looking the best soo far :)


    (back right) The sugar mango ryder: I just cant get over the fact that the leaf is growing in soo wierd... I have no explanation..


    (back left) newly sprouted little guy, low stress training :)

    All plants picture :)
  18. It's called an OdorSock lol

    Came with the SuperBox I'll post a pic with the name later.
  19. Yup.


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