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RSO question

Discussion in 'Marijuana Consumption Q&A' started by DyersEve726, Apr 26, 2023.

  1. I have a plant that is a prime candidate to be made into RSO. Autoflower that grew weird/crazy bushy. Trichomes up the wazoo, but small buds.

    I want to avoid isopropyl. I see a lot of recipes that call for it, but it feels wrong. One should not ingest isopropyl. Unfortunately, I live in Michigan, and the highest proof liquor available legally is 151 proof neutral grain spirits. Is this strong enough to make RSO? Or will this make for a watery mess?
  2. Hello.,I have used 151 for tincture and yes it gets messy when the alcohol is gone.,I'm not sure what will happen if you keep it on the heat.,.I would think that the water would boil off after and leave your rso but I I never took it that far,.I have heard that you can refrigerate it and the rso will seperate and clinge to the container but I have not tried this myself.,
    I use 200p organic corn ethanol that is available online from Culinary Solvents in Brewer, Me. We can't buy it off the shelf in Me. but it is available online.,
    This will make a good rso,.
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  3. Paging @BrassNwood - The extraction king.

    P.S. - Dry Ice rules!

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  4. Thanks for the insight. I have seen stuff available online, but the price! Oof.
  5. I broke it all down because 150 was all that I could get in town.,And after I did the math.,figuring the price for a fifth of 150 that was 25% water and 20% less than a quart.,I realized that if I bought a gallon of 200 proof it was a whisker cheaper than buying a full gallons worth of alcohol mixed with another 25% of unwanted water.,And it's a much nicer product.,and for me it's supporting a small local business.,And it was delivered.,
    Not sure what your pricing is like but for me it paid to look closer. Good luck .,
  6. 151 works well enough as even the 190 proof leaves water behind to deal with. 151 just has more and needs a longer evaporation period to get fully reduced.

    Fast and cold works best. Freeze both parts separately.. Combine, shake 10 seconds and press out weed. Done.

    I use a 3-gallon pot still to recover most of the booze and a shallow pan with a high-speed fan to evap the water overnight.

    By morning I'm down to tar. I add a matching amount of Coconut oil as solvent and carrier oil and work the tar loose from the pan.
    If filling capsules the tar / coconut oil blend will need to be baked at 240 F until it stops bubbling and foaming signifying all the water has been cooked out. Any trace of water in the FECO will melt and dissolve the capsules.

    If using in food or directly you don't need to cook out the remaining water.
    20% Liquid Lecithin to the oil volume will boost bioavailability and get you more from less. Longer duration and no tolerance build. Cook the water off first as lecithin will bind oil and water making them nearly inseparable.

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  7. Hell yeah! Thanks
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