One of my favorite seed makers, at least you know they make their own seeds, their cheese is out of this world and their power plant, too many to mention what you got coming? cheers
I have 2 RQS Hulkberry and 2 Amnesia Haze going at the moment. I liked the Hulkberry so much a while back I ordered more. They have good stuff. Congrats!
I had to Google RQS........and now I'm pissed that I did because they will be getting some of my money LOL! What an incredible catalog! I've gotta get some North Thunderfuck.........just because of the name!!
Well I've got lots to pick from they are here, arrived in my town last night. Royal Dwarf *AUTO--- Purple Queen, Triple G-- Royal Gorillla--- Fruit Spirit, *Critical (3x seeds of the same strain)* shogun i wanted the best chance possible for my official first crop, so--- I'm definitely planting the Purple Queen and Triple G starting the grow journal today, and I'm using my own special blend of soil & nuits. I believe that N is needed, not just in the beg but ALL the plants life they need high levels of N, so we will see. I'm a newbie but my father was a Master Grower and he taught me a few things My babies will be sprouting they came all the way across the country
MAN I know! I really kick myself for not ordering that strain with this order, I've got about 4 grow pots ready and a pringles can for the autoflower Royal Dwarf lol that one Imma try to Bonsai #longroots style.