Can anyone refer me some good RPG PC games? I have played ES: Skyrim and Mass Effect and Fallout 3 and also Dead Island. So i'm really looking for games that are open-world and have character customization.. But unless you can think of games not totally relative to that it's cool, i just need to take a break from what i do have.
Don't do dragon age. All your going to be doing is reading subtitles. That's all anyone does is talk in that game. One game I can think of that is open world that hasn't been mentioned is Just Cause 2. But I would deffinetly check out Red Dead Redemption. Think of GTA but old western days. It's a great game. I've spent countless hours on it.
Oh yeah Red Dead Redemption i forgot to mention playing that one! but it was on PS3 and i really liked it. i only made it to mexico then i gave my PS3 to my younger brother.
Dragon Age: Origins was one of the most badass meaningful gaming expire rented in awhile. Diablo 2 is ALWAS fun as fuck, Diablo 3, Mass Effect 2&3. Not really a rpg but uncharted 3 and even 2 have badass storys. I love RPGs and mtn dew's a bayd addiction.