the only album i've had the chance to listen to is junior, it's good stuff. silver cruiser/vision one are my favorites off it.
To be honest, their music made me interested in psychedelic drugs, so if that answers anything for you....
About 5 min ago I just realized we had a user named "Royksopp" because she posted in a thread of mine. Crazy shit
Copy from "share" in youtube. Click the "insert link" icon, its the one below the smiley face (in the composition window), that looks like the earth with a chain link in front of it. Remember to backspace to get rid of the http autofill, before clicking "paste".
honestly, thought this thread would be about her(him?). maybe it is and we just don't know it yet?(insert crazy ass LOST music)
[ame=]YouTube - Röyksopp - Eple[/ame] [ame=""][/ame] [ame=""][/ame] [ame=""][/ame] [ame=""][/ame] Hellyeamotherfucker.jpg
Lol that made me laugh, when I saw this thread I though of the user right away too even though I know who Royksopp is. Amazing artist.
I picked up Junior a couple weeks ago, that album is the shit. I love most of the songs on there. It's just such chill, beat-driven music. I'm still checking out their other stuff.
Been checking out that Album, liking it so far. [ame=""]YouTube - Röyksopp 'Happy Up Here'[/ame]
this video is top notch [ame=]YouTube - Röyksopp-Eple Official Video[/ame]