Okay, so my first grow which was ok got 1.25oz off a plant about a foot high about .5g/1w. First grow can be found here So what has changed. Box back slight hole to allow power cord to come into leaving only 1 visual for original. All of emergency blanket to be pulled down and try the bare white interior. Lights added 100w for side lighting. Making a total of 300w. Also going with genetics now have 3x Pakistan Ryder along with 1x IL DIAVOLO, 1x Sugar Black Rose, 1x Northern Light Blue. Going to try [ame="http://www.amazon.com/EarthBox-RB-EB-TRC-PBB-Garden-Terra-Cotta/dp/B000JUW8RE/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1297236616&sr=8-1"]Earthboxes[/ame]