Rough times call for the right medicine

Discussion in 'General' started by Italia5239, Jan 20, 2010.

  1. Some times things just don't go your way, you don't get the girl you want, or your master plan doesn't fill out how'd you would have hoped. It's nights like these that you sit back with the pack, the pack of 18 of course, and let it swim away.

    Let the beer flood wash away the emotions and send the mind to the moon with the dankest. A few swigs of rum later, and I'm pretty sure I never had any problems tonight at all.

    Of course, a little good music can always help raise spirits.

    [ame=]YouTube - Rehab - Bartender (Sittin' At A Bar) Unedited[/ame]

    Hope all our weeks go only up from this point on.
  2. I know how you feel. I'm drinking a beer and smoking a bowl as I type this.
  3. Jewel "You were for meant for me" does it for me.
  4. Next beers for you. Cheer up sir.

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