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Rough patch

Discussion in 'Seasoned Marijuana Users' started by jaajjaaj, Oct 19, 2015.

  1. Hello fellow tokers. I've been smoking/vaping for the past 3 years and I've come to a rough patch in my stoner years. A couple weeks ago, I vaped some marijuana like usual and had a panic attack. I've had one before this roughly 2-3 years ago but it was just choking on a little smoke and gasping for air and getting a little adrenaline rush but I was fine. This time however, my heart was pounding and it was a full blown panic attack. I had my friends watch over me and make sure I was good, but it was just a terrible time.

    I've smoked a few joints since because I think vapes have more THC : CBD and I wanted to make sure I didn't have another panic attack and I've been fine. I used to be able to finish a whole joint and smoke about 3 a day, but now I can only take 1-2 hits and something unfortunate has happened. I no longer enjoy my high. When I smoke, the first thing that happens is I just focus on my breathing and it becomes irregular. I know it is probably in my head, but I can't help but get uncomfortable and anxious. My heart doesn't race and I don't feel like I'm having a panic attack, but I just get super uncomfortable and no longer just relax/chill and enjoy the high. I have a hybrid strain and a full indica, and both typically have the same effect. I even ate an edible and didn';t have a panic attack, but I still just felt anxious, particularly over my breathing and body. (A general feeling of discomfort). I used to be able to do anything when I was high, exercise, sports, anything... but now I just pace around or over think about my discomfort and I just wish the high to be over. I always think about all the good times I had and try to distract myself doing things I enjoy, but I just can no longer enjoy them. My question for you is: Is it possible for me to overcome this and enjoy my high again? Or is it time to put down the bud and move on in life? Has anyone gone through a similar experience? I feel like i've been robbed of part of my life since weed was like my time to unwind. Thanks for reading.

  2. #2 dankherbson82, Oct 19, 2015
    Last edited by a moderator: Oct 19, 2015
    maybe just stick to combusting cannabis instead of vaping it. ive noticed vaporizing weed gives a bit more of a racy high versus lighting it on fire. ive definitely had a couple smaller panic episodes during my years of smoking but always told myself it was me not the weed that was causing the anxiety. sure weed may make one a bit more paranoid but ultimately you have control over what is going on inside your head.

  3. I use to be like that, even after a year of everyday use i would get paranoid sometimes and think that i wasnt breathing. I really think it depends on the strain, and how bad the cottonmouth is too. If you get really bad cotton mouth it may feel like you cant breath but its just your mouth and throat are dry. Also you may be taking too big of hits, then after you cough up half a lung your lightheaded and like you said the adrenaline rush may make you feel like your not breathing right. Just drink some water and take smaller tokes, no need to rush in getting high after all your trying to relax right. Now after several years i dont have any more panic attacks just get mellow [​IMG]

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