Roots organic potting soil

Discussion in 'Growing Organic Marijuana' started by NCEmeraldBud, Mar 24, 2013.

  1. Has anybody use Roots before? Any good?
  2. Why not build your own?

    If you use that stuff you'll only end up dissatisfied and building your own anyway. So why not save some cash, skip the head ache and just make your own. If you do it right you'll never do it any other way again...
  3. I've used the 707 mix and it was good in veg and seedlings, but when flower time hit it went tits up. X2 what SD said, roll you own. It will go longer and wayyyyyyyyy farther than the roots product. Plus you wont need to go buy bottles, h20 only. My plants are on 2nd runs with the same soil. Pull one out, put one in. No deficiencies. 8 months with the same soil. You'll never do that with roots.
  4. This is my first grow so I have never mixed my own soil before. Im going to do the best I can but I shall research more here on GC for soil mixes. Thank you dudes

  5. Gardening in a homemade organic water only type soil doesn't happen overnight. Good luck and welcome to the forum.

  6. I also use the 707.I've heard many people say they use it successfully with seedlings. I will say that everytime I use it with small plants it burns them up. I talked to my local supplier and he said not to use it till the plant is about 12"to 18" tall. I have even tried using it just at the bottom of my 1st transplant with advanced pro mix on top and within a week they were burning. (they were about 6" tall out of a solo cup @ transplant) And I believe the 707 isn't as strong as the roots organic.
  7. Since I've built my first complete soil, I haven't experienced any burning at all.
    My first run wasn't as good as my second run in the same soil though, I think my compost was still a little immature and needed a little more time curing.
    Good luck.
  8. as shocking as it may seem to you guys, a few months ago my friend (who does nothing but chemicals & roots organic, literally nothing organic about his grow at all) had a few plants with mushrooms growing all over the top of the soil in his pots. the plants looked great, of course.


    i still think building your own soil is definitely the way to go, and in no way shape or form am i saying "roots organic" is a great product..........but i found it crazy and i figured ide share it :smoking:
  9. If i mix up my own do I need to cover the pot that I mix it in when letting it cure or just let it sit in the open and breathe?
  10. I let mine breath, I just turn it every so often and keep it moist.

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