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Roots in under a week

Discussion in 'Growing Marijuana Indoors' started by sosogrow, Jul 9, 2023.

  1. Well I guess I found my new way of cloning these were cut last Sunday I decided to go back to my original cloning technique which is solo cup ,promix and mycos and in under a week I have roots I just kept them moist and warm IMG_20230709_110432777_HDR.jpg IMG_20230709_110426019.jpg IMG_20230709_110500531.jpg
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  2. and they are white widow clones that i was smart and gifted a plant then went and got some cuts after mine harvested
  3. You cloned from a plant in flowering?
  4. No in veg
  5. Mother received_1006360777189545.jpeg
  6. If she's a photo & you leave her outside much longer she's gonna flower.
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  7. That's the plan lol she isn't an actual mother plant I just trimmed up the bottom for my friend and decided to put the cuttings in cups I grow inside only
  8. I have. They take longer to root; the solo cup method might not work, i used a cheap bubble cloner off amazon.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  9. So have I, Not a preferred method (probly a branch I broke or sumthin) but it re-veg'd & came out fine.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  10. This is the reasoned I asked.
  11. The plant is still vegging but I have monster cropped before and made some big ass plants

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