Roots growing all weird!

Discussion in 'First Time Marijuana Growers' started by nasty_nate_84, Sep 4, 2019.

  1. How come a few of my plants roots grow towards the top? Lmao are they supposed to grow towards the water and not away from it? What makes this happen? Its intriguing. 20190903_200454.jpg

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  2. It appears you repotted it a little low, or if that’s the original pot than it’s because the soil around the plant is sinking when it was watered it’s no buggy but I’d throw some dirt on top of it kinda trippy those top roots look dead? We’re u overwatering at some point idk, it will be fine either way my friend
  3. I agree, you should have potted it deeper... Just add some more soil on top, cover all the roots... And be careful not to overwater - it can suffocate your plants, roots need oxygen as well.

    Also, water gently to avoid moving around a lot of soil and uncovering more roots.

    Edit: another tip, when filling soil in your pots, compact it down in intervals, like in 1/4 steps - press the soil down in the pot with your hand flattened down on it... This will fill up any spaces and minimize the "sinking" problem mentioned in the previous comment.

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  4. Thats the coco fibers. Yeah it seems like every yime i water it uncovers thes roots in a couple of my plants.

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  5. Lmao watering gently could be my issue u got one of this big freaking waterimg cans. Thats all i coukd find at Lowes unfortunately. Ill try to water it with less intensity. Or mark it so i know wich one it is so i can water it gently.

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