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Rooting Clones Outside?

Discussion in 'Growing Marijuana Outdoors' started by Cl8tonBigsby, Mar 22, 2012.

  1. so I have some plants in my grow room that i would like to give to a buddy to grow them outside. The thing is that if i take clones and root them under a 18/6 light schedule then they will flower as soon as they go outside. My question is if i take the clone and root it under a humidity dome outside then will it veg outside for the rest of the season? Grow season has just started here and weather is perfect.
  2. This does not make sense. If u out a humidity dome on it it will stay in veg. If u put it out side now it will flower
  3. No, what im saying is i will take a cutting off my mother plant and put it under a humidity dome (thats how i root my cuttings) outside and let it get roots under sunlight. If i root a clone under an 18/6 light schedule and then put it outdoors then it will flower because of the change in light its getting.

    So if I root the clone outside will it adapt to the light schedule outside and begin to veg or will it just flower also? If I plant a seed outside right now, it will veg and grow for a couple months before it flowers.
  4. [quote name='"Cl8tonBigsby"']No, what im saying is i will take a cutting off my mother plant and put it under a humidity dome (thats how i root my cuttings) outside and let it get roots under sunlight. If i root a clone under an 18/6 light schedule and then put it outdoors then it will flower because of the change in light its getting.

    So if I root the clone outside will it adapt to the light schedule outside and begin to veg or will it just flower also? If I plant a seed outside right now, it will veg and grow for a couple months before it flowers.[/quote]

    If you put clones out now they will flower. You need to root the clones indoors which will take a couple weeks to get a good root system, and then give them to your friend to put outside in May when the days are long enough.

  5. Thanks. So your saying if i started a seed outdoors right now, it would start flowering? I usually start growing outdoors after the last frost of the year and thats long gone. The last frost is usually about now and i plant in mid april with no problems. The reason im asking is because ive never grown from clone outdoors.

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