I'm looking to buy a new bong and always hear amazing things about Roors, but the only place that sells them in my area is extremely overpriced and buying them online from EDIT is around the same price. Are Roors really worth the dramatic price increase or can I do better? I'm looking for a 12-24" bong with a diffuser and ice catcher, maybe a percolator. Since I already have an ash-catcher, would a percolator be overkill? In addition, I don't want a ton of drag and it needs to be sturdy and smooth. What would you guys recommend?
It's pretty obvious that this is your first post with a topic name such as this... ROOR's are very much worth the price. And we cant really recommend a bong for you, just look for something that is calling your name!
Are German ROORs really worth the price? Yes, there is no better straight tube on the market. Does everyone need the best straight tube on the market? No.
nope. the answer used to be yes, but these days other companies are putting out better or equal quality for less money. whats your price range?
^This. Roor also doesn't strive for the quality that they used to years ago. Most of their tubes nowadays are outsourced and aren't held to the same caliber that made them big. All you're really paying for anymore is the 'Roor' label--Unless you find a quality German Roor, you're just as well off going with an Ehle or a PHX.
What's pretty obvious is that the OP has some reasoning skills and is trying to understand what's so special about a ROOR straight. The answer is nothing. Every time I hit a ROOR I don't see what's better about it than my PURE straight. For the money nowadays, there are so many other pieces with crazy function available for the same price as some custom ROOR straight, you just have to look harder than EDIT.
^Agree^ Don't rip him for just doing his best to make an educated choice, something that a lot of us strive to do here daily. One word of advice to the OP, 12-24" is a big window. Hold some tubes of lengths between there and decide a more specific margin, that's my 2 cents.
I think RooR is overrated but hey thats just me. Personally I try to get high quality bud, and not worry so much about how expensive my smoking tool is. I have a bong right now that I made. Bowl/down stem are both metal, and the rest consists of plastic and rubber, as well as a glass jar base. I've been told by a few people that it smokes better than any glass they've ever hit. I'll admit that a nice smoking tool can make it a better experience, but its not like having a $75 glass bong is going to make it worse. I'll take a half ounce with a cheap glass bong over no weed and having a RooR. If you have the money though, then why not I guess.
WORD! Spoken like a true minnesota native! A bong is a device that filters your smoke through water in order to make it smoother/cooler so u can take large hits and get high quicker. I am not a expert on bongs. But in m y 17 years of smoking I have hit home-made bongs that get me just as high as any high end bong. If u are trying to SAVE $$ a name brand bong is a BAD idea. Just buy better weed.
Spoken with excellence in IGNORANCE! Having never hit a true high end tube, Stigma has no idea what he's talking about.... and having never purchased a high end tube, he has no idea that you actually can save money AND buy nice glass. My local head shop is selling ROOR 40% off right now.... You can snag one for less than the price of a PURE and around the same price as most China tree perc tubes. A lot of people like to speak up about ROOR, that wouldn't normally make generalizations that are so far outside of their area of expertise. In other words, people who know very little will front like they know much more to make a point. To all those saying you can get an equal quality straight tube for the same price as a ROOR: Pics or it never happened. Show me a tube with consistently straight, well angled and thick joints, flat (no-wobble) bases, consistent thickness throughout the tube, perfectly vertical stance (doesn't lean on its base, etc.... for less money than a ROOR AND produced on the same scale as ROOR. About 5-6 of you so far said this tube existed... someone should be able to show me one. The fact that ROOR puts out the most consistent straight tube on the market does not merit some of the price gouging that shops try and pull. ROOR's reputation allows the name to draw huge sums that are far above what the typical authorized retailer is supposed to mark them at. Just because your local shop is being unfair with their price points doesn't mean that ROOR's are generally overpriced. The real problem with ROORs is the way people think about them. They draw the most praise from noobs and draw the most criticisms from haters. People like Stigma and other "Don't pay money for glass" types think it is the holy grail of glass to glassheads. It isn't. There is nothing special about a straight GonG bong. ROOR invented the 3 piece GonG design a long time ago and many blowers have thought up dramatic innovations. That's why its so absurd to me that everyone uses ROOR as a benchmark to compare EVERYTHING else. Most of the time, ROOR isn't going to be the right choice for the potential buyer. Most people aren't looking for the absolute most consistent straight tube their money can buy. Maybe they're looking for the most height their money can buy, or the thickest glass or the best tube diffuser/perc combo... Who knows but ROOR is none of those things. People really need to focus on their specific wants when it comes to a bong. For all those who do want to have the most consistent, best constructed production straight tube ROOR is the way to go and you'll find your money will go much longer than people would have you believe. Less than $100 can get you a 3.2mm and less than $200 a 5mm. For those prices to be considered high there would have to be some other company competing with ROOR's quality below ROOR's price.... I've yet to see that company despite all the glass I've seen.
they are only worth it if you can leave it out and/or display them, you smoke a lot, and have expendable income if you have to hide it and/or you only smoke like once a week then no dont buy one
My old school RooR perc is my favorite material item in the world...this might sound wierd but I would probably lose a toe for it if it came down to it with that said RooR has been passed up in terms of inovation by other companies for a good price as well...no bong company will ever come close to what the RooR amsterdam shop is though, probably the coolest place I have ever been
yeah I feel for the ones who have to hide their bongs. I get to leave mine out and I use her every day. Although right now my weapon of choice is the camo Illadelph, with a Fat Mike slide. Of course RooRs are the HEAT for your money. Its not like they are shitty, its just every fucking person AND their mom AND probably grandma have one. They dont make enough combo's so it feels like once youve hit one or two youve seen em all. I like a 2.5 foot straight tube, with the bullet hole diffusor.
You posted this without realizing one key thing. YOU are speaking in the same ignorance you accuse others of doing. Have you smoked the bongs we claim are as good as your RooRs? No you haven't so you can't say anything about them just as we can't say anything bad about yours. You don't need an expensive bong to make it a good smoke. Who cares if the glass isn't perfect its not like it has holes in it making it useless.
I'm sorry but NOTHING you could make could compare to the top names in the glass game like SG, TORO unless of course you can work a lathe. See how you called them "your ROORs" as if they were so prized and special to me? Like I said before, they're not... sounds like you're one of those people I was talking about. Again when talking about ROOR's value... how well it hits is generally not what makes it worth it's money. Any straight tube bong is going to hit the same generally. If you're just looking for a smooth hit for a cheap price, DON'T THINK ROOR. If you're looking for quality of build and attention to detail, ROOR is more your speed. All you're really revealing to me is that you don't appreciate the fine details of high end glass and diffusion... that's cool for you. You just can't do that and then make general statements about things you don't know about.
If you're looking purely for function, no, they're probably not worth it. In my opinion, the only RooR that is even "worth it" at all anymore is one that comes from the Germans, as I've been seeing more and more quality control issues out of roor.us before they closed over the last few years. I'm a glass head and I've been known to be a snob about it, but truthfully until you're spending $600+ for .de roor, you'll be enjoying a $150 headshop china glass gong tube just as much
I realize that its not about the hit. Its clearly about the quality of the glass but thats my point. A lot of us don't care about the looks, and only care about getting high. The misconception by a lot of people in that area is that a RooR will some how provide a better high which is not true. I have nothing against RooR and if I was given one I'd certainly love it but I'm just not about to spend that kind of money for a piece of glass. I'm just trying to clear up the fact that glass quality and price don't affect the high. I may not be able to make anything comparable to high end glass in your opinion, but in my opinion my shit looks cool and smokes well just like high end glass. I might not be able to say my creations are perfection, but I can say that I created them with ingenuity and creativity, and had fun doing it. My creations to me are just as beautiful and fun to look at as a $250 RooR despite its value. I can appreciate high end glass, the ability to create some of the products is amazing. I never once said the quality of the glass wasn't great or not to be appreciated, I just said when it comes to getting high I like to get high and thats it.