I was really on the fence for a while when deciding whether or not to buy a brand name bong. Hopefully this review will help some of you guys who are on the fence now. I knew I needed a bong. What I didn't know was whether or not to splurge on a brand name bong like Illadelph or RooR. Eventually I said fuck it and purchased an 18" RooR.us Icemaster for $200 at my local headshop. It came with a .us diffuser. While $200 was a lot of money for a piece to me, I am happy with the purchase. Many people compare American made RooRs unfavorably with German RooRs. I have never used a German RooR, but I can say that American made ones are VERY nice bongs. The bong itself is made of very high quality glass. You can just tell by looking at it. Everything is glass on glass for a perfect seal. The hits off this thing are ridiculously smooth and as massive as you can make them. It is a lot of fun just to watch the tube milk up through the clear glass. Taking big hits means you get higher faster, and thus can save weed. In the end, I would recommend this bong to regular smokers, people who love BIG smooth bong hits, and wealthy people. You may be paying extra for the brand name, but you will love your RooR, American or otherwise. PROS -very well constructed -massive smooth hits -sexy CONS -expensive -people will try to steal it
STEAL it!? shit dude... watch who you're hanging out with then lol. Nice review, im going to purchase a roor as soon as i get some extra cash