ROOR question

Discussion in 'General' started by mckchicken, Jan 14, 2008.

  1. I am thinking about investing in a ROOR bong but i don't know which type to get. There are also so many add ons and I don't know which are the best. I know they are expensive but from what I have heard they are more than worth is. Any advice on what to buy would be appreciated. THANKS
  2. add on?

    a diffuser makes a HUGE difference.
  3. Buy a Light Green Label RooR 2 foot with a diffused downstem. That should keep you for a while. Then you can buy a ashcatcher or carbon filter later.
  4. thanks for the suggetions!
  5. Great suggestion That is a solid list. And if you wanted more accessories you could get larger and smaller bowls,bowl holder, a glass poker/packer, and glass stopper for cleaning.

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