I recommend getting the Roor narrowing bowl! I just got it yesterday from someone I bought a bong from. It's great. Little snaps are fun, no screen necessary. I love Roor.
yup I have alot of fun with snappers, my bf's roor came with one so its sweet. fake or not its a fucking BOWL. geez you guys are being to harsh on the fellow.
Its a bowl that has good flow, but it narrows and packs really well for one-hit bowls. I guess it's not exciting like most of the hand blown stuff on here, but it's a good, functional, Roor bowl. So I like it!
Ha yeah but on this forum it is so realistic for someone to give a response such as yours. Anything that comes up R00R on this forum usually gets flagged as being fake.
Yeah, jeez. Can't you guys take a toke? Crap puns aside, OP probably didn't have their own picture at the time; so they did what any other stoner would do: google images, or a site with similar content (e.d.IT)
Hahah yeah... But I think my points about how fun the lil snapper bowl is aren't affected by the picture not being mine, I just wanted to give a visual.
hey just reading, and if you don't have the money for a roor snapper bowl just get a glass batte, and get some art eraser or something putty like and vaala one hitter tube rip.
meh, its a boring looking, average bowl, I've used those, and I wasn't really impressed. you can take good snap hits out of any regular sized bowl I've found.