RooR Milk shot!

Discussion in 'Bongs, Dab Rigs, Bubblers, Water Pipes' started by Live_Surf_Rip, Jan 14, 2010.

  1. decided to put up a little milk shot for all you grass city blades out there! aha enjoy! nothing to fancy!

    iphone 2 017.JPG
  2. very cool sig. Really like that one.
  3. Nice picture man, that looks almost professional. :smoking: Sick glass piece too, RooR is the way to go for sure.
  4. I like that tube man, the red label roor's are a really classy look.
    And with the ash-catcher? Damn, how does she hit?
  5. MMMMhmmmm... I think we got a German in the room. So sexy.
  6. like a dream..and yeah bro you dont see too many red labels! so i feel special! ahha
  7. yes so very sexy..and so seductive! but you gotta be careful...cause she is a killa! ahaha

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