Well payed first and last And now home boy says it's only cleaning deposit Not sure what to do, Don't feel I should pay even IF I had the money. Home boy says since he gets paid so much at his job and he'd charge me that hourly rate to clean up. Any ways it will work out but have nothing Written down, He may be confused or trying to play me....oh boy No love Sent from my LG-P659 using Grasscity Forum mobile app
Its obviously a power play. You must mark your territory. You MUST piss all over his room and?/or his face...
Man he's really getting to screw over a boy and his dog...I'm just tying to live and be healthy Sent from my LG-P659 using Grasscity Forum mobile app
Not into anal but I may treat her to a very nice evening Sent from my LG-P659 using Grasscity Forum mobile app
No all due respect I dislike these old world situations Sent from my LG-P659 using Grasscity Forum mobile app
Get whatever it is that you have right now in ink and paper, notarized...Anything else and he can put you on your ass in a moments notice, don't give him the chance. Strike first, Buzz, and strike well.
worth a shot my mom helped me out because I was short and she keeps records. Cousin is a notary... Sent from my LG-P659 using Grasscity Forum mobile app