You would think that in college more people would be accepting of weed. A little background info: Im a freshman in college and so obviously i live in a dorm. Last semester i had a terrible roomate. He had the worse body odor and i never really saw him take a shower. He stunk so bad he would make the whole floor smell like rotten cheese. He didnt wash his bed sheets once the whole semester and buy the end of it his grey sheets were literally brown. I even had to tell him to clean up his huge pile of trash in the corner(and i do mean huge) and he had the nerve to get an attitude with me. That shit reaked. Anyways the new semester comes around and he doesnt come back to school. I guess i pissed him off? My new roomate isnt smelly but he is a MUTHA FUCKING PUSSY BITCH! His Gf (she is quite busted(ugly) if i might add) came up for the weekend so naturally im not gonna try and be in my room all night on a friday with him and his gf. So i went to a party with a few of my friends. Party was fun, got drunk, talked to some ladies, and played some pong. After the party me and my friend walk back to my dorm to smoke a bowl. My bubbler, grinder, and weed were in my room so we went upstairs and packed a bowl. My roomate and his gf were layin in bed chillin and i thought nothing of packing it in front of them because i had already talked to him about weed and he said he didnt really mind. Go outside, smoke bowl, and im toasted as fuck. I part ways with my friend and go back into my dorm and up the elevator. What do i see when the elevator doors open onto my floor? A fucking pig, my RA, and my roomate and his busted ass gf sittin in the lobby. I knew i was fucked. Cop knew there was weed in the room, i had the bubbler in my pocket, and the weed and grinder my computer desk drawer. Lost my my beautiful and always handy bubbler, my grinder, and what little bit of a g or 2 of some of the dankest weed around here. Now i have court and a bunch of other bullshit because my roomate is fucking retarded. What the fuck man? Just wtf! i really dont know what to say right now. This is the first time ive ever really had any trouble with the 5-0. Ive been smoking for a while now and i never would have thought my first offense would have been because my roomate is just an ignorant person who really needs to open his mind. TLDR/ Roomate told RA i packed a bowl in front of him. Cops come. I get possession charge. FUCK!#@@%$@^Y$TRGSDF /rant
Don't return ignorance with violence. Use mind control. Screw with him on a daily basis, and keep your dorm free of any herb or gear. He'll eventually get the hint and jog on.
I really reallly REALLY want to just fuck his shit up but i know that wont do me any good. Ill just be kicked out of school and get an assault charge. When the porker was escorting me downstairs, i passed my roomate and his gf in the lobby, looked him dead in the eye and laughed. He doesnt know what coming to him. This semester is just going to be one fucked up prank after another.
Your roomate is ridiculously stupid. Where is the logic in pissing off someone you have to live with? Sorry man, that blows so much.
ugggggggggggggh..... Wow man, Wow, what a fucking asshole man, fucking fuck, that sucks.... a lot.... fuck Rofl, fuck him up in his sleep... and deny it. hahahah rofl.... Beat the dreams outta him... hahaha fucked up... Nah don't do that... Just fuck with him eternally.... be a fucking asshole, I'd say talk to him with no respect at all... Undermine him, possibly BARK... like not like a dog, but be obnoxiously Loud, find out any shit he likes doing, and try to ruin it... I'd say Hide his shit... Not big important shit, little shit that's easy to lose... So he won't really think any thing of it. Hide his car keys... His wallet... put it in obnoxious spots... Just fuck with him for the whole time you're roomates... Be a fucking asshole. Rude, as fuck, be a dick. Spill shit on him by accident... Hide one of his shoes... if he only has one pair, so hes fucked... you know? shit like that.... Or just do nothing, and wait for him to get what he deserves..
when hes sleeping, roll some fat blunts and blow them in his face and smoke him out when hes sleeping. just keep shotgunning them at him. then call the cops. lololol. he will wake up stoned and confused with cops around him and make sure to put the roaches in his pocket so he smells like dank.
Here's what you do: make some cannacookies with just a slight bit of pot in them, enough to show up on a blood test if he wanted to take one after he gets caught. Play the role as if they're a peace offering and youve seen the folly of your habitual ways. When youre alone in your dorm, plant an ashtray with a joint and a roach or two in his room along a dime or dub. Hide the bag somewhere but put the ashtray in the open, even light the joint and let it burn some to stank his room up. Contact RA saying how you smelled something funny when you walked by your dormmates room and upon investigation you saw some evil grass. Try and be as straight edge as you can; you know, saying you got off the dope because its for dopes and you noticed your roommate acting a little funny earlier that day. Do it. Also, dispose of the cookies and chit. Relish upon him getting caught by shaking your head slowly at him when he returns.
Just walk up to him real calmly look him in straight in the eyes and then say "Snitches get stitches mother fucker" and knock him the fuck out we don't condone violence in the city /pawlywog
you should encase him in a tomb while him and his girlfriend sleep. Proceed to taunt him while he dies of starvation.
Get the word out to ALLLL that will hear about the douche....invite people to make his life a living hell all over campus..... I cant ever understand messing with someone's FUTURE over weed. That dick deserves PAYBACK. oh and anytime he and gf hitting it in the room...make sure RA KNOWS. *Knock knock* No breaky the RULES....remember? Fuckhead.
Get reeaaaaaaaallly drunk, then fuck his girl, while smoking a blunt. He won't know what to do seeing you hitting his girl with the Doug E. Fresh, while puffing on some of the finest herb you can find. Or get his girl to suck you off, and make her swallow. Then when she kisses him, you can laugh at his stupidity.
This will not work as he has already been narced out by the guy...It would be too obvious, esp. right after it has happened.
Your first idea might have been to beat the fuck out of him...but don't dismiss the idea right away...think about it posts condoning violence are against the rules man /pawlywog
It would work if you waited, but I figured that was very obvious. The proof would be against the guy, and everyone has their own hypocritical secret.
way to go society. you've bread another ignorant fool who ratted on someone who did not deserve to be charged. are you hurting anyone? are you stealing etc? no. fucking morons. sorry to hear about this dude, it makes me mad because this was so unnecessary for you. and now you're being punished. ridiculous.