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Room already smells like weed.

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by Colincjk4, Feb 7, 2011.

  1. So keep smoking weed or stop smoking weed? Step Dad walked in and told me it smelled like pot, I go ya, then he left. And weve talked since then and hes fine haha. Im home for the weekand and its weird.
  2. if he doesnt give a shit keep smoking
  3. Funny thread
  4. Do it until he tells you to stop. Unless you already have rules about it, in which case respect those.
  5. Nah no rules set I dont live here.
  6. Lol ive done that.
  7. clearly he would've said something already if he minded. If you're worried about it you can just be blunt with him. "Namehere, I smoke in my bedroom, and I just want to make sure that it's okay with you because this isnt my house".
  8. ...why would you stop smoking then? :confused:
  9. offer to smoke with him and if he says yes, then i would say you are fine to smoke more:smoke:

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